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A2DPStream Class Reference

Stream support for A2DP using begin(TX_MODE) opens a a2dp_source and begin(RX_MODE) a a2dp_sink. The data is in int16_t with 2 channels at 44100 hertz. We support only one instance of the class! Please note that this is a conveniance class that supports the stream api, however this is rather inefficient, beause quite a big buffer needs to be allocated. It is recommended to use the API with the callbacks. Examples can be found in the a2dp examples directory starting with basic. More...

#include <A2DPStream.h>

Inheritance diagram for A2DPStream:
AudioStream VolumeSupport BaseStream AudioInfoSupport AudioInfoSource Stream Print

Public Member Functions

 ~A2DPStream ()
 Release the allocate a2dp_source or a2dp_sink.
virtual void addNotifyAudioChange (AudioInfoSupport &bi)
 Adds target to be notified about audio changes.
virtual AudioInfo audioInfo () override
 provides the actual input AudioInfo
virtual AudioInfo audioInfoOut ()
 provides the actual output AudioInfo: this is usually the same as audioInfo() unless we use a transforming stream
int available () override
 Provides the number of bytes available to read.
int availableForWrite () override
 Provides the number of bytes available to write.
virtual bool begin ()
bool begin (A2DPConfig cfg)
 Starts the processing.
bool begin (RxTxMode mode, const char *name)
 Starts the processing.
BaseBuffer< uint8_t > & buffer ()
 Provides access to the buffer.
virtual void clearNotifyAudioChange ()
 Deletes all change notify subscriptions.
A2DPConfig defaultConfig (RxTxMode mode=RX_MODE)
void end () override
virtual void flush () override
bool isConnected ()
 checks if we are connected
bool isNotifyActive ()
 Checks if the automatic AudioInfo update is active.
bool isReady ()
 is ready to process data
 operator bool ()
 convert to bool
size_t readBytes (uint8_t *data, size_t len) override
 Reads the data from the temporary buffer.
virtual size_t readSilence (uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
 Source to generate silence: just sets the buffer to 0.
virtual bool removeNotifyAudioChange (AudioInfoSupport &bi)
 Removes a target in order not to be notified about audio changes.
virtual void setAudioInfo (AudioInfo newInfo) override
 Defines the input AudioInfo.
void setNotifyActive (bool flag)
 Deactivate/Reactivate automatic AudioInfo updates: (default is active)
bool setVolume (float volume) override
 Define the volume (values between 0.0 and 1.0)
BluetoothA2DPSink & sink ()
 provides access to the BluetoothA2DPSink
BluetoothA2DPSource & source ()
 provides access to the
virtual float volume ()
 provides the actual volume in the range of 0.0f to 1.0f
size_t write (const uint8_t *data, size_t len) override
 Writes the data into a temporary send buffer - where it can be picked up by the callback.
virtual size_t write (uint8_t ch) override
virtual void writeSilence (size_t len)
 Writes len bytes of silence (=0).

Protected Member Functions

virtual int not_supported (int out, const char *msg="")
void notify_base_Info (int rate)
 notify subscriber with AudioInfo
void notifyAudioChange (AudioInfo info)
void refillReadBuffer ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static void a2dp_state_callback (esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *caller)
static void a2dp_stream_sink_sound_data (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
 callback used by A2DP to write the sound data
static int32_t a2dp_stream_source_sound_data (uint8_t *data, int32_t len)
static bool detected_device (const char *ssid, esp_bd_addr_t address, int rssi)
static void sample_rate_callback (uint16_t rate)
 callback to update audio info with used a2dp sample rate

Protected Attributes

int _timeout = 10
BluetoothA2DPCommon * a2dp =nullptr
const int A2DP_MAX_VOL = 128
BluetoothA2DPSink * a2dp_sink = nullptr
BluetoothA2DPSource * a2dp_source = nullptr
A2DPConfig config
AudioInfo info
bool is_notify_active = true
Vector< AudioInfoSupport * > notify_vector
RingBuffer< uint8_t > tmp_in {0}
RingBuffer< uint8_t > tmp_out {0}
float volume_value = 1.0f

Detailed Description

Stream support for A2DP using begin(TX_MODE) opens a a2dp_source and begin(RX_MODE) a a2dp_sink. The data is in int16_t with 2 channels at 44100 hertz. We support only one instance of the class! Please note that this is a conveniance class that supports the stream api, however this is rather inefficient, beause quite a big buffer needs to be allocated. It is recommended to use the API with the callbacks. Examples can be found in the a2dp examples directory starting with basic.


Phil Schatzmann

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: