void | addAction (int pin, void(*action)(bool, int, void *), AudioActions::ActiveLogic activeLogic, void *ref=nullptr) |
| Defines a new action that is executed when the indicated pin is active.
void | addAction (int pin, void(*action)(bool, int, void *), void *ref=nullptr) |
| Defines a new action that is executed when the indicated pin is active.
virtual void | addNotifyAudioChange (AudioInfoSupport &bi) |
| Adds target to be notified about audio changes.
AudioActions & | audioActions () |
| Provides access to the AudioActions.
virtual AudioInfo | audioInfo () override |
| provides the actual input AudioInfo
virtual AudioInfo | audioInfoOut () |
| provides the actual output AudioInfo: this is usually the same as audioInfo() unless we use a transforming stream
int | available () |
| We get the data via I2S - we expect to fill one buffer size.
virtual int | availableForWrite () override |
bool | begin () override |
bool | begin (AudioKitStreamConfig config) |
| Starts the processing.
virtual void | clearNotifyAudioChange () |
| Deletes all change notify subscriptions.
AudioKitStreamConfig & | config () |
AudioKitStreamConfig | defaultConfig (RxTxMode mode=RXTX_MODE) |
| Provides the default configuration.
void | end () override |
| Stops the processing.
virtual void | flush () override |
bool | headphoneStatus () |
| Returns true if the headphone was detected.
void | incrementVolume (int vol) |
| Relative volume control.
bool | isNotifyActive () |
| Checks if the automatic AudioInfo update is active.
virtual | operator bool () |
int8_t | pinAdcDetect () |
| Get the gpio number for adc detection.
int8_t | pinAuxin () |
| Get the gpio number for auxin detection.
int8_t | pinBlueLed () |
| Get green led gpio number.
int8_t | pinEs7243Mclk () |
| Get the mclk gpio number of es7243.
int8_t | pinGreenLed () |
| Get DSP reset gpio number.
int8_t | pinHeadphoneDetect () |
| Get the gpio number for headphone detection.
int8_t | pinInputMode () |
| Get the number for mode-button.
int8_t | pinInputPlay () |
| Get number for play function.
int8_t | pinInputRec () |
| Get the record-button id for adc-button.
int8_t | pinInputSet () |
| Get number for set function.
int8_t | pinPaEnable () |
| Get the gpio number for PA enable.
int8_t | pinResetBoard () |
| Get DSP reset gpio number.
int8_t | pinResetCodec () |
| Get green led gpio number.
int8_t | pinVolumeDown () |
| Get number for volume down function.
int8_t | pinVolumeUp () |
| number for volume up function
void | processActions () |
| Process input keys and pins.
size_t | readBytes (uint8_t *data, size_t len) override |
| Reads the audio data.
virtual size_t | readSilence (uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) |
| Source to generate silence: just sets the buffer to 0.
virtual bool | removeNotifyAudioChange (AudioInfoSupport &bi) |
| Removes a target in order not to be notified about audio changes.
bool | setActive (bool active) |
| Sets the codec active / inactive.
void | setAudioInfo (AudioInfo info) override |
bool | setMute (bool mute) |
| Mutes the output.
void | setNotifyActive (bool flag) |
| Deactivate/Reactivate automatic AudioInfo updates: (default is active)
void | setSpeakerActive (bool active) |
bool | setVolume (double vol) |
| Defines the Volume: Range 0 to 1.0.
bool | setVolume (float vol) |
| Defines the Volume: Range 0 to 1.0.
bool | setVolume (int vol) |
| Defines the Volume: Range 0 to 100.
int | volume () |
| Determines the volume.
size_t | write (const uint8_t *data, size_t len) override |
virtual size_t | write (uint8_t ch) override |
virtual void | writeSilence (size_t len) |
| Writes len bytes of silence (=0).
static void | actionHeadphoneDetection (bool, int, void *) |
| Switch off the PA if the headphone in plugged in and switch it on again if the headphone is unplugged. This method complies with the.
static void | actionStart (bool, int, void *) |
| Start.
static void | actionStartStop (bool, int, void *) |
| Toggle start stop.
static void | actionStop (bool, int, void *) |
| Stop.
static void | actionVolumeDown (bool, int, void *) |
| Decrease the volume.
static void | actionVolumeUp (bool, int, void *) |
| Increase the volume.
AudioKit Stream which uses the https://github.com/pschatzmann/arduino-audiokit library.
- Author
- Phil Schatzmann
- Copyright
- GPLv3