Modules | Classes

Transmit Audio Please note that the standard Arduino WiFiClient and WifiServer (to use TCP/IP), Serial or BluetoothSerial are also supported.


 Forward Error Correction.
 Http client & server

 RTSP Streaming


class  A2DPStream
 Stream support for A2DP using begin(TX_MODE) opens a a2dp_source and begin(RX_MODE) a a2dp_sink. The data is in int16_t with 2 channels at 44100 hertz. We support only one instance of the class! Please note that this is a conveniance class that supports the stream api, however this is rather inefficient, beause quite a bit buffer needs to be allocated. It is recommended to use the API with the callbacks. Examples can be found in the examples-basic-api directory. More...
class  AudioClientRTSP
 A simple RTSPClient using More...
class  ESPNowStream
 ESPNow as Arduino Stream. More...
class  ReadioHeadStream
 Arduino Stream which is using the RadioHead library to send and receive data. We use the river API directly. More...
class  UDPStream
 A UDP class which makes sure that we can use UDP as AudioSource and AudioSink. By default the WiFiUDP object is used and we login to wifi if the ssid and password is provided and we are not already connected. More...
class  VBANStream
 VBAN Audio Source and Sink for the ESP32. For further details please see . Inspired by and More...

Detailed Description

Transmit Audio Please note that the standard Arduino WiFiClient and WifiServer (to use TCP/IP), Serial or BluetoothSerial are also supported.