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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Arduino Audio ToolsA powerful audio library (not only) for Arduino
 BasicBasic Concepts
 CodecsAudio Coder and Decoder
 DecoderAudio Decoder
 EncoderAudio Encoder
 CommunicationsTransmit Audio Please note that the standard Arduino WiFiClient and WifiServer (to use TCP/IP), Serial or BluetoothSerial are also supported.
 FECForward Error Correction
 HttpHttp client & server
 RTSP Streaming
 ConcurrencyMulticore support
 Converting StreamsStream classes which change the input or output
 DSPDigital Signal Processing
 EffectsAudio Effects
 EqualizerDigital Equalizer
 FFTFast Fourier Transform
 RealFFT using Real FFT
 esp32-dspFFT using esp32 esp-dsp library
 esp32-fftFFT using esp32-fft
 FiltersDigital Filters
 GeneratorsSound Generators
 VolumeVolume Calculations
 Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence
 MetadataAudio Metadata (Title, Author...)
 ICYIcecast/Shoutcast Metadata
 ID3Parser for MP3 ID3 Meta Data: The goal is to implement a simple API which provides the title, artist, albmum and the Genre
 PlatformPlatform specific implementations. Do not use any of theses classes directly and use the related platform independent typedef instead:
 PlayerAudio Player
 ToolsDiv Tools
 BuffersDifferent Buffer Implementations
 CollectionsVector, List, Queue, Stack..
 ConvertersConvert Audio You can add a converter as argument to the StreamCopy::copy() or better use is with a ConverterStream
 Memory ManagementAllocators and Memory Manager
 StringsStrings This framework is avoiding the use of Arduino Strings, so that we can use it easily also on other platforms!
 TimersPlatform independent timer API
 VideoVideo playback