Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼Arduino Audio Tools | A powerful audio library (not only) for Arduino |
Basic | Basic Concepts |
▼Codecs | Audio Coder and Decoder
Decoder | Audio Decoder |
Encoder | Audio Encoder |
ggwave | |
▼Communications | Transmit Audio Please note that the standard Arduino WiFiClient and WifiServer (to use TCP/IP), Serial or BluetoothSerial are also supported.
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
Http | Http client & server
RTSP Streaming | |
Concurrency | Multicore support |
Converting Streams | Stream classes which change the input or output |
▼DSP | Digital Signal Processing |
Effects | Audio Effects
Equalizer | Digital Equalizer |
▼FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
KISS | FFT using KISS |
Real | FFT using Real FFT |
esp32-dsp | FFT using esp32 esp-dsp library |
esp32-fft | FFT using esp32-fft |
Filters | Digital Filters |
Generators | Sound Generators |
Volume | Volume Calculations |
IO | Input/Output |
▼Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence |
TFLite | Tensorflow |
▼Metadata | Audio Metadata (Title, Author...) |
ICY | Icecast/Shoutcast Metadata |
ID3 | Parser for MP3 ID3 Meta Data: The goal is to implement a simple API which provides the title, artist, albmum and the Genre |
Platform | Platform specific implementations. Do not use any of theses classes directly and use the related platform independent typedef instead: |
Player | Audio Player |
▼Tools | Div Tools |
Buffers | Different Buffer Implementations |
Collections | Vector, List, Queue, Stack.. |
Converters | Convert Audio You can add a converter as argument to the StreamCopy::copy() or better use is with a ConverterStream |
Memory Management | Allocators and Memory Manager |
Strings | Strings This framework is avoiding the use of Arduino Strings, so that we can use it easily also on other platforms! |
Timers | Platform independent timer API |
Video | Video playback |