Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ docs | |
▼ ext | |
Printable.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ AudioTools | |
► AudioCodecs | |
All.h | |
AudioCodecs.h | |
AudioCodecsBase.h | |
AudioEncoded.h | |
AudioFormat.h | WAV Audio Formats used by Microsoft e.g. in AVI video files |
CodecAACFAAD.h | |
CodecAACFDK.h | |
CodecAACHelix.h | |
CodecADPCM.h | |
CodecADPCMXQ.h | |
CodecADTS.h | |
CodecAPTX.h | Codec for aptx using |
CodecBase64.h | |
CodecBasic.h | |
CodecCodec2.h | Codec2 Codec using The codec was developed by David Grant Rowe, with support and cooperation of other researchers (e.g., Jean-Marc Valin from Opus). Codec 2 consists of 3200, 2400, 1600, 1400, 1300, 1200, 700 and 450 bit/s codec modes. It outperforms most other low-bitrate speech codecs. For example, it uses half the bandwidth of Advanced Multi-Band Excitation to encode speech with similar quality. The speech codec uses 16-bit PCM sampled audio, and outputs packed digital bytes. When sent packed digital bytes, it outputs PCM sampled audio. The audio sample rate is fixed at 8 kHz |
CodecCopy.h | |
CodecFLAC.h | FLAC Codec using |
CodecFLACFoxen.h | |
CodecFloat.h | |
CodecG722.h | |
CodecG7xx.h | |
CodecGSM.h | GSM Codec using |
CodecHelix.h | |
CodecILBC.h | Codec for ilbc using |
CodecL16.h | |
CodecL8.h | |
CodecLC3.h | Codec for lc3 using |
CodecMP3Helix.h | |
CodecMP3LAME.h | |
CodecMP3MAD.h | |
CodecMP3Mini.h | |
CodecMTS.h | |
CodecOpus.h | |
CodecOpusOgg.h | |
CodecSBC.h | SBC Codec using |
CodecTSDemux.h | |
CodecVorbis.h | |
CodecWAV.h | |
CodecWavIMA.h | |
ContainerAVI.h | |
ContainerBinary.h | A lean and efficient container format which provides Header records with audio info, Audio records with the audio and Meta which can contain any additional information. This can be used together with a codec which does not transmit the audio information or has variable frame lengths. We expect that a single write() is providing full frames |
ContainerMP4.h | |
ContainerOgg.h | |
DecoderFromStreaming.h | |
HeaderParserAAC.h | |
HeaderParserMP3.h | |
MultiDecoder.h | |
► AudioLibs | |
► Desktop | |
File.h | |
JupyterAudio.h | |
Main.h | |
NoArduino.h | If you want to use the framework w/o Arduino you need to provide the implementation of a couple of classes and methods! |
Time.h | |
► FFT | |
FFTReal.h | |
FFTWindows.h | Different Window functions that can be used by FFT |
► vban | |
vban.h | |
A2DPStream.h | A2DP Support via Arduino Streams |
All.h | |
AudioBoardStream.h | |
AudioClientRTSP.h | |
AudioCmsisFFT.h | |
AudioEffectsSuite.h | |
AudioESP32FFT.h | |
AudioESP32ULP.h | Outputs to ESP32 DAC through the ULP, freeing I2S for other uses |
AudioESP8266.h | |
AudioEspressifFFT.h | |
AudioFaust.h | |
AudioFaustDSP.h | |
AudioFFT.h | |
AudioKissFFT.h | |
AudioKit.h | |
AudioMP34DT05.h | |
AudioRealFFT.h | |
AudioServerEx.h | |
AudioSTK.h | |
Concurrency.h | |
FFTDisplay.h | |
FFTEffects.h | |
HLSStream.h | |
HLSStreamESP32.h | |
I2SCodecStream.h | |
Jupyter.h | |
LEDOutput.h | |
LEDOutputUnoR4.h | |
MaximilianDSP.h | |
MemoryManager.h | |
MiniAudioStream.h | |
MozziStream.h | |
PIDController.h | |
PortAudioStream.h | |
PureDataStream.h | |
R2ROutput.h | |
RTSP.h | |
SPDIFOutput.h | |
StdioStream.h | |
TfLiteAudioStream.h | |
VBANStream.h | |
VS1053Stream.h | |
WM8960Stream.h | |
► Communication | |
► FEC | |
► ReedSolomon | |
gf.hpp | |
poly.hpp | |
rs.hpp | |
AudioFEC.h | |
AudioLoRa.h | |
AudioSync.h | |
ESPNowStream.h | |
HammingFEC.h | |
RadioHeadStream.h | |
ReedSolomonFEC.h | |
UDPStream.h | |
► Concurrency | |
► RP2040 | |
BufferRP2040.h | |
MutexRP2040.h | |
► RTOS | |
BufferRTOS.h | |
MutexRTOS.h | |
QueueRTOS.h | |
SynchronizedNBufferRTOS.h | |
Task.h | |
LockGuard.h | |
Mutex.h | |
QueueLockFree.h | |
RP2040.h | |
RTOS.h | |
SynchronizedBuffer.h | |
SynchronizedQueue.h | |
SynchronizedStream.h | |
► CoreAudio | |
► AudioAnalog | |
AnalogAudioArduino.h | |
AnalogAudioStream.h | |
AnalogConfigESP32.h | |
AnalogConfigESP32V1.h | |
AnalogConfigStd.h | |
AnalogDriverArduino.h | |
AnalogDriverBase.h | |
AnalogDriverESP32.h | |
AnalogDriverESP32V1.h | |
AnalogDriverESP32V2.h | |
AnalogDriverMBED.h | |
► AudioBasic | |
► Collections | |
Allocator.h | |
BitVector.h | |
InitializerList.h | |
List.h | |
Queue.h | |
QueueFromVector.h | |
Slice.h | |
Stack.h | |
Vector.h | |
Collections.h | |
Debouncer.h | |
Float16.h | |
Float32.h | |
FloatAudio.h | |
Int24_3bytes_t.h | |
Int24_4bytes_t.h | |
Net.h | |
Str.h | |
StrView.h | |
► AudioEffects | |
AudioEffect.h | |
AudioEffects.h | |
AudioParameters.h | |
PitchShift.h | |
SoundGenerator.h | |
Synthesizer.h | |
► AudioFilter | |
Equalizer.h | |
Filter.h | |
MedianFilter.h | |
► AudioHttp | |
AbstractURLStream.h | |
AudioClient.h | |
AudioHttp.h | |
AudioServer.h | |
HttpChunkReader.h | |
HttpHeader.h | |
HttpLineReader.h | |
HttpRequest.h | |
HttpTypes.h | |
ICYStreamT.h | |
Url.h | |
URLStream.h | |
URLStreamBufferedT.h | |
URLStreamESP32.h | |
► AudioI2S | |
I2SConfig.h | |
I2SConfigESP32.h | |
I2SConfigESP32V1.h | |
I2SConfigStd.h | |
I2SESP32.h | |
I2SESP32V1.h | |
I2SESP8266.h | |
I2SNanoSenseBLE.h | |
I2SRP2040-MBED.h | |
I2SRP2040.h | |
I2SSAMD.h | |
I2SSTM32.h | |
I2SStream.h | |
► AudioMetaData | |
AbstractMetaData.h | |
MetaData.h | |
MetaDataFilter.h | |
MetaDataICY.h | |
MetaDataID3.h | |
MimeDetector.h | |
► AudioPWM | |
AudioPWM.h | |
PWMAudioAVR.h | |
PWMAudioBase.h | |
PWMAudioESP32.h | |
PWMAudioMBED.h | |
PWMAudioRenesas.h | |
PWMAudioRP2040.h | |
PWMAudioSTM32.h | |
► AudioTimer | |
AudioTimer.h | |
AudioTimerAVR.h | |
AudioTimerBase.h | |
AudioTimerESP32.h | |
AudioTimerESP8266.h | |
AudioTimerMBED.h | |
AudioTimerRenesas.h | |
AudioTimerRP2040.h | |
AudioTimerSTM32.h | |
AnalogAudioStream.h | |
AudioActions.h | |
AudioEffects.h | |
AudioFilter.h | |
AudioHttp.h | |
AudioIO.h | |
AudioLogger.h | |
AudioLoggerIDF.h | |
AudioLoggerSTD.h | |
AudioMetaData.h | |
AudioOutput.h | |
AudioPlayer.h | |
AudioPWM.h | |
AudioRuntime.cpp | Some platform specific exceptional things which can't be implemented in a header |
AudioRuntime.h | |
AudioStreams.h | |
AudioStreamsConverter.h | |
AudioTimer.h | |
AudioTypes.h | |
BaseConverter.h | |
BaseStream.h | |
Buffers.h | |
Fade.h | |
I2SStream.h | |
MusicalNotes.h | |
Pipeline.h | |
ResampleStream.h | |
StreamCopy.h | |
VolumeControl.h | |
VolumeStream.h | |
► Disk | |
AudioSource.h | |
AudioSourceIdxSD.h | |
AudioSourceIdxSDFAT.h | |
AudioSourceIdxSDMMC.h | |
AudioSourceLittleFS.h | |
AudioSourceSD.h | |
AudioSourceSDFAT.h | |
AudioSourceSDMMC.h | |
AudioSourceSPIFFS.h | |
AudioSourceSTD.h | |
AudioSourceURL.h | |
AudioSourceVFS.h | |
FileLoop.h | |
LegacyAudioSourceSDFAT.h | |
SDDirect.h | |
SDIndex.h | |
VFS.h | |
VFS_LittleFS.h | |
VFS_Multi.h | |
VFSFile.h | |
► Sandbox | |
► BLE | |
AudioBLE.h | |
AudioBLEClient.h | |
AudioBLEClientESP32.h | |
AudioBLEServer.h | |
AudioBLEServerESP32.h | |
AudioBLEStream.h | |
ConstantsArduino.h | |
ConstantsESP32.h | |
► USB | |
USBDeviceAudio.h | |
USBDeviceAudioAdafruit.h | |
USBDeviceAudioAPI.h | |
USBDeviceAudioESP32.h | |
CodecGGWave.h | GGWve Codec Codec using |
FrequencyDetection.h | |
HDLCStream.h | |
I2SBitBang.h | |
LoRaStream.h | |
PDMStream.h | |
ResampleAlgorithms.h | |
► Video | |
JpegOpenCV.h | |
JpegTFT.h | |
Video.h | |
CoreAudio.h | |
AudioLogger.h | |
AudioTools.h | |
AudioToolsConfig.h | |