
Audio Decoder. More...


class  AACDecoderFAAD
 AAC Decoder using faad: This needs a stack of around 60000 and you need to make sure that memory is allocated on PSRAM. See More...
class  AACDecoderFDK
 Audio Decoder which decodes AAC into a PCM stream This is basically just a wrapper using which uses AudioInfo and provides the handlig of AudioInfo changes. More...
class  AACDecoderHelix
 AAC Decoder using libhelix: This is basically just a simple wrapper to provide AudioInfo and AudioInfoSupport. More...
class  ADPCMDecoder
 Decoder for ADPCM. Depends on More...
class  ADPCMDecoderXQ
 Decoder for ADPCM-XQ. Depends on More...
class  ADTSDecoder
 Audio Data Transport Stream (ADTS) is a format similar to Audio Data Interchange Format (ADIF), used by MPEG TS or Shoutcast to stream audio defined in MPEG-2 Part 7, usually AAC. This parser extracts all valid ADTS frames from the data stream ignoring other data. More...
class  APTXDecoder
 Decoder for OpenAptx. Depends on More...
class  AVIDecoder
 AVI Container Decoder which can be fed with small chunks of data. The minimum length must be bigger then the header size! The file structure is documented at More...
class  BinaryContainerDecoder
 Decodes the provided data from the DAT and CFG segments. More...
class  Codec2Decoder
 Decoder for Codec2. Depends on More...
class  ContainerMP4
 Minimum flexible parser for MPEG4 data (which is based on the Quicktime format). Small atoms will be make available via a callback method. The big (audio) content is written to the Print object which was specified in the constructor. Depends on! More...
class  CopyDecoder
 Dummy Decoder which just copies the provided data to the output. More...
class  DecoderAdapter
 Adapter class which allows the AudioDecoder API on a StreamingDecoder. More...
class  DecoderBase64
 DecoderBase64 - Converts a Base64 encoded Stream into the original data stream. Decoding only gives a valid result if we start at a limit of 4 bytes. We therefore use by default a newline to determine a valid start boundary. More...
class  DecoderBasic
 DecoderBasic - supports mime type audio/basic Requires The content of the "audio/basic" subtype is single channel audio encoded using 8bit ISDN mu-law [PCM] at a sample rate of 8000 Hz. More...
class  DecoderFloat
 DecoderFloat - Converts Stream of floats into 2 byte integers. More...
class  DecoderHelix
 MP3 and AAC Decoder using libhelix: We dynamically create a MP3 or AAC decoder dependent on the provided audio format. More...
class  DecoderL16
 DecoderL16 - Converts an 16 Bit Stream into 16Bits network byte order. More...
class  DecoderL8
 DecoderL8 - Converts an 8 Bit Stream into 16Bits Most microcontrollers can not output 8 bit data directly. 8 bit data however is very memory efficient and helps if you need to store audio on constrained resources. This decoder translates 8bit data into 16bit data. By default the encoded data is represented as uint8_t, so the values are from 0 to 255. More...
class  FLACDecoder
 Decoder for FLAC. Depends on We support an efficient streaming API and an very memory intensitiv standard interface. So you should prefer the streaming interface where you call setOutput() before the begin and copy() in the loop. Validated with More...
class  G711_ALAWDecoder
 64 kbit/s g711 ALOW Decoder based on More...
class  G711_ULAWDecoder
 64 kbit/s g711 ULOW Decoder based on More...
class  G711Encoder
 64 kbit/s g711 ULOW Encoder based on Supported encoder parameters: linear2alaw2, linear2ulaw More...
class  G721Decoder
 32Kbps G721 Decoder based on More...
class  G722Decoder
 Decoder for G.722. Depends on More...
class  G723_24Decoder
 24Kbps G723 Decoder based on More...
class  G723_40Decoder
 40Kbps G723 Decoder based on More...
class  G7xxDecoder
 g723_24, g721, g723_40 Decoder based on More...
class  GSMDecoder
 Decoder for GSM. Depends on Inspired by gsmdec.c. More...
class  ILBCDecoder
 Decoder for iLBC. Depends on More...
class  LC3Decoder
 Decoder for LC3. Depends on More...
class  MP3DecoderHelix
 MP3 Decoder using libhelix: This is basically just a simple wrapper to provide AudioInfo and AudioInfoSupport. More...
class  MP3DecoderMAD
 MP3 Decoder using More...
class  MP3DecoderMini
 MP3 Decoder using This decoder does not provide any good results and it is not suited to decode any audio above 32000 on an ESP32. So the sample rate is limited by the MINIMP3_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE variable. More...
class  MTSDecoder
 MPEG-TS (MTS) decoder. Extracts the AAC audio data from a MPEG-TS (MTS) data stream. You can define the relevant stream types via the API. The parsing logic was taken from: Status: experimental! More...
class  OggContainerDecoder
 Decoder for Ogg Container. Decodes a packet from an Ogg container. The Ogg begin segment contains the AudioInfo structure. You can subclass and overwrite the beginOfSegment() method to implement your own headers Dependency: More...
class  OpusAudioDecoder
 OpusAudioDecoder: Depends on More...
class  OpusOggDecoder
 Opus Decoder which uses the Ogg Container. See The audio data is transmitted in frames and the header information contains the sampler rate, channels and other critical info. Dependency: More...
class  SBCDecoder
 Decoder for SBC. Depends on Inspired by sbcdec.c. More...
class  VorbisDecoder
 Vorbis Streaming Decoder using More...
class  WAVDecoder
 A simple WAVDecoder: We parse the header data on the first record to determine the format. If no AudioDecoderExt is specified we just write the PCM data to the output that is defined by calling setOutput(). You can define a ADPCM decoder to decode WAV files that contain ADPCM data. More...
class  WavIMADecoder
 Obsolete: WavIMADecoder - based on WAVDecoder - We parse the header data as we receive it and send the sound data to the stream which was indicated in the constructor. Only WAV files with WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM are supported by this codec! More...

Detailed Description

Audio Decoder.