Classes | Enumerations

Convert Audio You can add a converter as argument to the StreamCopy::copy() or better use is with a ConverterStream. More...


struct  AppropriateSumType< T >
 Provides a reduced sampling rate through binning. More...
class  BaseConverter
 Abstract Base class for Converters A converter is processing the data in the indicated array. More...
class  Bin
 Provides reduced sampling rates through binning. More...
class  BinT< T >
 Provides reduced sampling rates through binning: typed implementation. More...
class  CallbackConverterT< T >
 You can provide a lambda expression to conver the data. More...
class  ChannelConverter< T >
 Increasing or decreasing the number of channels. More...
class  ChannelEnhancer< T >
 Increases the channel count. More...
class  ChannelReducer
 We combine a datastream which consists of multiple channels into less channels. E.g. 2 to 1 The last target channel will contain the combined values of the exceeding source channels. More...
class  ChannelReducerT< T >
 We combine a datastream which consists of multiple channels into less channels. E.g. 2 to 1 The last target channel will contain the combined values of the exceeding source channels. More...
class  Converter1Channel< T >
 Converter for 1 Channel which applies the indicated Filter. More...
class  ConverterAutoCenter
 Makes sure that the avg of the signal is set to 0. More...
class  ConverterAutoCenterT< T >
 Makes sure that the avg of the signal is set to 0. More...
class  ConverterFillLeftAndRight< T >
 Make sure that both channels contain any data. More...
class  ConverterNChannels< T, FT >
 Converter for n Channels which applies the indicated Filter. More...
class  ConverterScaler< T >
 Multiplies the values with the indicated factor adds the offset and clips at maxValue. To mute use a factor of 0.0! More...
class  ConverterSwitchLeftAndRight< T >
 Switches the left and right channel. More...
class  ConverterToInternalDACFormat< T >
 special case for internal DAC output, the incomming PCM buffer needs to be converted from signed 16bit to unsigned More...
class  CopyChannels< T, Cn, Cx, S >
 Copy channel Cx value of type T shifted by S bits to all Cn channels. More...
class  Decimate
 Provides a reduced sampling rate by ignoring a defined rate of samples. More...
class  DecimateT< T >
 Provides reduced sampling rates. More...
class  FadeConverter< T >
 converter which does a fade out or fade in. More...
class  MultiConverter< T >
 Combines multiple converters. More...
class  NOPConverter
 Dummy converter which does nothing. More...
class  PoppingSoundRemover< T >
 Big value gaps (at the beginning and the end of a recording) can lead to some popping sounds. We will try to set the values to 0 until the first transition thru 0 of the audio curve. More...
class  SilenceRemovalConverter< T >
 Removes any silence from the buffer that is longer then n samples with a amplitude below the indicated threshhold. If you process multiple channels you need to multiply the channels with the number of samples to indicate n. More...
class  SmoothTransition< T >
 Changes the samples at the beginning or at the end to slowly ramp up the volume. More...


enum  FillLeftAndRightStatus { Auto , LeftIsEmpty , RightIsEmpty }
 Configure ConverterFillLeftAndRight.

Detailed Description

Convert Audio You can add a converter as argument to the StreamCopy::copy() or better use is with a ConverterStream.