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BufferRTOS< T > Class Template Reference

Buffer implementation which is using a FreeRTOS StreamBuffer. The default allocator uses psram is available. More...

#include <BufferRTOS.h>

Inheritance diagram for BufferRTOS< T >:
BaseBuffer< T >

Public Member Functions

 BufferRTOS (size_t streamBufferSize, size_t xTriggerLevel=1, TickType_t writeMaxWait=portMAX_DELAY, TickType_t readMaxWait=portMAX_DELAY, Allocator &allocator=DefaultAllocator)
Taddress () override
 returns the address of the start of the physical read buffer
int available () override
 provides the number of entries that are available to read
int availableForWrite () override
 provides the number of entries that are available to write
void clear ()
 same as reset
virtual int clearArray (int len)
 Removes the next len entries.
bool isEmpty ()
bool isFull () override
 checks if the buffer is full
virtual float levelPercent ()
 Returns the level of the buffer in %.
 operator bool ()
T peek () override
 peeks the actual entry from the buffer
T read () override
 reads a single value
int readArray (T data[], int len)
 reads multiple values
int readFrames (T data[][2], int len)
 reads multiple values for array of 2 dimensional frames
template<int rows, int channels>
int readFrames (T(&data)[rows][channels])
void reset () override
 clears the buffer
bool resize (size_t size)
 Re-Allocats the memory and the queue.
void setReadFromISR (bool active)
void setReadMaxWait (TickType_t ticks)
void setWriteFromISR (bool active)
void setWriteMaxWait (TickType_t ticks)
size_t size ()
bool write (T data) override
 write add an entry to the buffer
int writeArray (const T data[], int len)
 Fills the buffer data.
virtual int writeArrayOverwrite (const T data[], int len)
 Fills the buffer data and overwrites the oldest data if the buffer is full.

Protected Member Functions

void end ()
 Release resurces: call resize to restart again.
bool setup ()
void setWritePos (int pos)

Protected Attributes

size_t current_size_bytes = 0
friend NBuffer< T >
Allocatorp_allocator = nullptr
uint8_tp_data = nullptr
bool read_from_isr = false
int readWait = portMAX_DELAY
StaticStreamBuffer_t static_stream_buffer
size_t trigger_level = 0
bool write_from_isr = false
int writeWait = portMAX_DELAY
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE
StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer = nullptr

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class audio_tools::BufferRTOS< T >

Buffer implementation which is using a FreeRTOS StreamBuffer. The default allocator uses psram is available.

Phil Schatzmann
Template Parameters

Member Function Documentation

◆ address()

template<typename T >
T * address ( )

returns the address of the start of the physical read buffer

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ available()

template<typename T >
int available ( )

provides the number of entries that are available to read

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ availableForWrite()

template<typename T >
int availableForWrite ( )

provides the number of entries that are available to write

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ clearArray()

template<typename T >
virtual int clearArray ( int  len)

Removes the next len entries.

Reimplemented in SingleBuffer< T >, SingleBuffer< int16_t >, and SingleBuffer< uint8_t >.

◆ isFull()

template<typename T >
bool isFull ( )

checks if the buffer is full

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ peek()

template<typename T >
T peek ( )

peeks the actual entry from the buffer

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ read()

template<typename T >
T read ( )

reads a single value

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ readArray()

template<typename T >
int readArray ( T  data[],
int  len 

reads multiple values

Reimplemented from BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ reset()

template<typename T >
void reset ( )

clears the buffer

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ setup()

template<typename T >
bool setup ( )

The allocation has been postponed to be done here, so that we can e.g. use psram

◆ size()

template<typename T >
size_t size ( )

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ write()

template<typename T >
bool write ( T  data)

write add an entry to the buffer

Implements BaseBuffer< T >.

◆ writeArray()

template<typename T >
int writeArray ( const T  data[],
int  len 

Fills the buffer data.

Reimplemented from BaseBuffer< T >.

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