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LEDOutputUnoR4Config Struct Reference

#include <LEDOutputUnoR4.h>

Public Attributes

int max_magnitude = 700
 Influences the senitivity.
void(* update_callback )(LEDOutputUnoR4Config *cfg, LEDOutputUnoR4 *matrix) = nullptr
 Custom callback logic to update the LEDs when update() is called.
int update_frequency = 1
 Update the leds only ever nth call.
int x = 12
 Number of LEDs in a rows.
int y = 8
 Number of LEDs in a column.
bool y_mirror = true
 when true 0,0 is in the lower left corder

Detailed Description

LED Matrix Configuration. Provide the number of leds in x and y direction and the data pin.

Phil Schatzmann

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