Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CClientAlternative Client Implementatioin using Sockets so that the functionality can run stand alone on a server or desktop
 CExtensionThe HttpServer supports the registraiton of Extensions to implement some additional functionalry which is not supported in the basic impelementation. E.g SD support
 CExtensionESPTaskExtension which which supports RTOS Tasks. We start a task for the HttpServer so that we do not need to call doLoop() in the loop processing of the sketch any more
 CExtensionLoggingStreamA Simple Logger
 CExtensionMusicFileStreamExtension which supports the Streaming of music files from a SD drive
 CExtensionSDExtension which serves the files which are available on the SD card We return the full file content - so use this class only for small files!
 CExtensionSDStreamedExtension which serves the files which are available on the SD card The content is returned in chunks via the processing loop
 CExtensionStreamExtension which implements the Arduino Stream functionality. Instead of writing to Serial you can write to a ExtensionStream object and look at the streamed output in your web browser. The data is managed with the help of a simple ring buffer
 CExtensionStreamBasicExtension which supports streaming to multiple clients. It makes sure that same content is streamed to multiple clients when you call the writes or printlns methods in your loop(); Only a subset of the stream output functions is avaiblable!
 CHttpChunkReaderHttp might reply with chunks. So we need to dechunk the data. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding
 CHttpChunkWriterWrites the data chunked to the actual client
 CHttpHeaderIn a http request and reply we need to process header information. With this API we can define and query the header information. The individual header lines are stored in a list. This is the common functionality for the HttpRequest and HttpReplyHeader subclasses
 CHttpHeaderLineA individual key - value header line
 CHttpLineReaderWe read a single line. A terminating 0 is added to the string to make it compliant for c string functions
 CHttpLoggerClassLogger that writes messages dependent on the log level
 CHttpParametersAPI for http parameters: key=value&key1=value1
 CHttpReplyHeaderReading and Writing of Http Replys
 CHttpRequestSimple API to process get, put, post, del http requests I tried to use Arduino HttpClient, but I did not manage to extract the mime type from streaming get requests
 CHttpRequestHandlerLineUsed to register and process callbacks
 CHttpRequestHeaderReading and writing of Http Requests
 CHttpRequestRewriteObject which information about the rewrite rule
 CHttpServerA Simple Header only implementation of Http Server that allows the registration of callback functions. This is based on the Arduino Server class
 CHttpStreamCopyProcessing of a single stream to a single client. In the loop we can simply provide individual small chunks until we are done
 CHttpStreamedMultiOutputGeneric HttpStreamedMultiOutput Class which handles multicast streaming. We can optionally define some default (e.g. html) content that will be written at the beginning and at the end of the streaming session to the client
 CHttpStreamedOutputAbstract class for handling streamed output
 CHttpTunnelForwards a request to a destination URL and provides a pointer to the result stream
 CListDouble linked list
 CMimeExtensionMapping from file extensions to mime types
 CMimeResolverTranslates between file extensions and mime names
 CRingBufferImplementation of a Simple Circular Buffer. Instead of comparing the position of the read and write pointer in order to figure out if we still have characters available or space left to write we keep track of the actual length which is easier to follow
 CSDFileNameMgrThe file names on an SD can only be 8 characters long
 CSDStackUsing a SD file for stack operations on a entries which are potentially of different size
 CSerialDefWe use the SerialDef class to be able to provide Serail, Serial1 and Serial2 outside of the Arduino environment;
 CStrA simple wrapper to provide string functions on char*. If the underlying char* is a const we do not allow any updates; The ownership of the chr* must be managed externally!
 CStreamWe provide the Stream class so that it complies outside of the Arduino Environment
 CStrExtStr which keeps the data on the heap. We grow the allocated memory only if the copy source is not fitting
 CTickerA Simple Ticker which executes a callback function in defined intervalls
 CTickerEntryInformation for each scheduled ticker request
 CUrlURL parser which breaks a full url string up into its individual parts
 CUrlExtractorExtraciting urls from a string the url needs to be stored with delimiting ' or " characters. E.g 'http://www.pschatzmann.ch/test'. This is used to extract all href= entries out of a html page
 CVectorVector implementation which provides the most important methods as defined by std::vector. This class it is quite handy to have and most of the times quite better then dealing with raw c arrays
 CiteratorIterator for the Vector class
 CWebCopyFunctionality which dumps a website to a SD drive. When the simulate flag is set we do the regular processing but we do not write and information to the SD drive
 CWiFiClientWe provide the WiFiClient so that it complies outside of the Arduino Environment
 CWifiMockWe provide the WiFi class, so that the demo applcations can be compiled outside of the Arduino Environment