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tinyhttp::HttpServer Class Reference

A Simple Header only implementation of Http Server that allows the registration of callback functions. This is based on the Arduino Server class. More...

#include <HttpServer.h>

Public Member Functions

 HttpServer (WiFiServer &server_ptr, int bufferSize=1024)
void addExtension (Extension &out)
 registers an extension
void addHandler (HttpRequestHandlerLine *handlerLinePtr)
 adds a new handler
bool begin (int port)
 Starts the server on the indicated port.
bool begin (int port, const char *ssid, const char *password)
 Starts the server on the indicated port - calls WiFi.begin(ssid, password);.
WiFiClientclient ()
 Provides the current client.
void copy ()
 Call this method from your loop!
void crlf ()
 print a CR LF
void doLoop ()
 Legacy method: same as copy();.
void endClient ()
 closes the connection to the current client_ptr
const char * localHost ()
 Determines the local ip address.
IPAddress & localIP ()
 Provides the local ip address.
void on (const char *url, TinyMethodID method, const char *mime, const char *result)
 register a handler which provides the indicated string
void on (const char *url, TinyMethodID method, const char *mime, web_callback_fn fn)
 register a handler with mime
void on (const char *url, TinyMethodID method, HttpTunnel &tunnel)
 register a redirection
void on (const char *url, TinyMethodID method, Url &redirect)
 register a redirection
void on (const char *url, TinyMethodID method, web_callback_fn fn, void *ctx[]=nullptr, int ctxCount=0)
 register a generic handler
bool onRequest (const char *path)
 generic handler - you can overwrite this method to provide your specifc processing logic
 operator bool ()
 Provides true if the server has been started.
void reply (const char *contentType, const char *str, int status=200, const char *msg=SUCCESS)
 write reply - string with header size
void reply (const char *contentType, Stream &inputStream, int size, int status=200, const char *msg=SUCCESS)
 write reply - copies data from input stream with header size
void reply (const char *contentType, void(*callback)(Stream &out), int status=200, const char *msg=SUCCESS)
 write reply - using callback that writes to stream
void reply (int status, const char *msg)
 Writes the status and message to the reply.
void replyChunked (const char *contentType, int status=200, const char *msg=SUCCESS)
 start of chunked reply: use HttpChunkWriter to provde the data
void replyChunked (const char *contentType, Stream &inputStream, int status=200, const char *msg=SUCCESS)
 chunked reply with data from an input stream
HttpReplyHeaderreplyHeader ()
 provides the reply header
void replyNotFound ()
 write 404 reply
void replyOK ()
 write OK reply with 200 SUCCESS
HttpRequestHeaderrequestHeader ()
 provides the request header
void rewrite (const char *from, const char *to)
 adds a rewrite rule
void stop ()
 stops the server_ptr

Protected Member Functions

bool matchesMime (const char *handler_mime, const char *request_mime)
 compares mime of handler with mime of request: provides true if they match of one is null (=any value)
const char * nullstr (const char *in)
 Converts null to an empty string.
void processExtensions ()
 executes the doLoop of all extension_collection
void processRequest ()
const char * resolveRewrite (const char *from)
 determiens the potentially rewritten url which should be used for the further processing

Protected Attributes

char * buffer
int buffer_size
List< Extension * > extension_collection
List< HttpRequestHandlerLine * > handler_collection
bool is_active
const char * local_host =nullptr
HttpReplyHeader reply_header
HttpRequestHeader request_header
List< HttpRequestRewrite * > rewrite_collection
WiFiServer * server_ptr

Detailed Description

A Simple Header only implementation of Http Server that allows the registration of callback functions. This is based on the Arduino Server class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: