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tinyhttp::List< T > Class Template Reference

Double linked list. More...

#include <List.h>


class  Iterator
struct  Node

Public Member Functions

 List ()
 Default constructor.
 List (const List &ref)=default
 copy constructor
template<size_t N>
 List (const T(&a)[N])
 Constructor using array.
Iterator begin ()
bool clear ()
bool empty ()
Iterator end ()
bool erase (Iterator it)
bool insert (Iterator it, const T &data)
T & operator[] (int index)
bool pop_back ()
bool pop_back (T &data)
bool pop_front ()
bool pop_front (T &data)
bool push_back (T data)
bool push_front (T data)
Iterator rbegin ()
Iterator rend ()
size_t size ()
bool swap (List< T > &ref)

Protected Member Functions

NodefirstDataNode ()
NodelastDataNode ()
void link ()
void validate ()

Protected Attributes

Node first
Node last
size_t record_count =0

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class tinyhttp::List< T >

Double linked list.

Phil Schatzmann
Template Parameters

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