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USBDeviceAudioAPI::audiod_function_t Struct Reference


struct  feedback

Public Attributes

uint8_t * alt_setting
uint8_t bclock_id_tx
uint8_t * ctrl_buf
uint8_t ctrl_buf_sz
uint16_t desc_length
uint8_t ep_fb
uint8_t ep_in
uint8_t ep_in_as_intf_num
tu_fifo_t ep_in_ff
uint16_t ep_in_sz
uint8_t ep_int
uint8_t ep_int_buf [6]
uint8_t ep_out
uint8_t ep_out_as_intf_num
tu_fifo_t ep_out_ff
uint16_t ep_out_sz
struct USBDeviceAudioAPI::audiod_function_t::feedback feedback
uint8_t format_type_tx = AUDIO_FORMAT_TYPE_I
uint8_t interval_tx
uint8_t * lin_buf_in
uint8_t * lin_buf_out
bool mounted
uint8_t n_bytes_per_sample_tx
uint8_t n_channels_tx
uint8_t const * p_desc = nullptr
uint16_t packet_sz_tx [3]
uint8_t rhport
uint32_t sample_rate_tx

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: