Cstk::ArdUdp | Simple UDP wrapper class which sends all packages to the same destination |
Cstk::MemoryFS | STK in memory File An instance is representing an individual memory array which can be registered with a file name |
▼Cstk::Stk | STK base class |
Cstk::ArdBtSource | ESP32 Output to Bluetooth |
▼Cstk::Effect | STK abstract effects parent class |
Cstk::Chorus | STK chorus effect class |
Cstk::Echo | STK echo effect class |
Cstk::FreeVerb | Jezar at Dreampoint's FreeVerb, implemented in STK |
Cstk::JCRev | John Chowning's reverberator class |
Cstk::LentPitShift | Pitch shifter effect class based on the Lent algorithm |
Cstk::NRev | CCRMA's NRev reverberator class |
Cstk::PRCRev | Perry's simple reverberator class |
Cstk::PitShift | STK simple pitch shifter effect class |
Cstk::FileRead | STK audio file input class |
Cstk::FileWrite | STK audio file output class |
▼Cstk::Filter | STK abstract filter class |
Cstk::BiQuad | STK biquad (two-pole, two-zero) filter class |
Cstk::Delay | STK non-interpolating delay line class |
Cstk::DelayA | STK allpass interpolating delay line class |
Cstk::DelayL | STK linear interpolating delay line class |
Cstk::Fir | STK general finite impulse response filter class |
Cstk::FormSwep | STK sweepable formant filter class |
Cstk::Iir | STK general infinite impulse response filter class |
Cstk::OnePole | STK one-pole filter class |
Cstk::OneZero | STK one-zero filter class |
Cstk::PoleZero | STK one-pole, one-zero filter class |
Cstk::TapDelay | STK non-interpolating tapped delay line class |
Cstk::TwoPole | STK two-pole filter class |
Cstk::TwoZero | STK two-zero filter class |
▼Cstk::Function | STK abstract function parent class |
Cstk::BowTable | STK bowed string table class |
Cstk::Cubic | STK cubic non-linearity class |
Cstk::JetTable | STK jet table class |
Cstk::ReedTable | STK reed table class |
▼Cstk::Generator | STK abstract unit generator parent class |
Cstk::ADSR | STK ADSR envelope class |
Cstk::Asymp | STK asymptotic curve envelope class |
Cstk::Blit | STK band-limited impulse train class |
Cstk::BlitSaw | STK band-limited sawtooth wave class |
Cstk::BlitSquare | STK band-limited square wave class |
Cstk::Envelope | STK linear line envelope class |
Cstk::Granulate | STK granular synthesis class |
Cstk::Modulate | STK periodic/random modulator |
Cstk::Noise | STK noise generator |
Cstk::SineWave | STK sinusoid oscillator class |
Cstk::SingWave | STK "singing" looped soundfile class |
Cstk::Guitar | STK guitar model class |
▼Cstk::Instrmnt | STK instrument abstract base class |
Cstk::BandedWG | Banded waveguide modeling class |
Cstk::BlowBotl | STK blown bottle instrument class |
Cstk::BlowHole | STK clarinet physical model with one register hole and one tonehole |
Cstk::Bowed | STK bowed string instrument class |
Cstk::Brass | STK simple brass instrument class |
Cstk::Clarinet | STK clarinet physical model class |
Cstk::Drummer | STK drum sample player class |
►Cstk::FM | STK abstract FM synthesis base class |
Cstk::BeeThree | STK Hammond-oid organ FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::FMVoices | STK singing FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::HevyMetl | STK heavy metal FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::PercFlut | STK percussive flute FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::Rhodey | STK Fender Rhodes electric piano FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::TubeBell | STK tubular bell (orchestral chime) FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::Wurley | STK Wurlitzer electric piano FM synthesis instrument |
Cstk::Flute | STK flute physical model class |
Cstk::Mandolin | STK mandolin instrument model class |
Cstk::Mesh2D | Two-dimensional rectilinear waveguide mesh class |
►Cstk::Modal | STK resonance model abstract base class |
Cstk::ModalBar | STK resonant bar instrument class |
Cstk::Plucked | STK basic plucked string class |
Cstk::Recorder | A recorder / flute physical model |
Cstk::Resonate | STK noise driven formant filter |
►Cstk::Sampler | STK sampling synthesis abstract base class |
Cstk::Moog | STK moog-like swept filter sampling synthesis class |
Cstk::Saxofony | STK faux conical bore reed instrument class |
Cstk::Shakers | PhISEM and PhOLIES class |
Cstk::Simple | STK wavetable/noise instrument |
Cstk::Sitar | STK sitar string model class |
Cstk::StifKarp | STK plucked stiff string instrument |
Cstk::VoicForm | Four formant synthesis instrument |
Cstk::Whistle | STK police/referee whistle instrument class |
Cstk::Messager | STK input control message parser |
Cstk::Mutex | STK mutex class |
Cstk::Phonemes | STK phonemes table |
Cstk::Sphere | STK sphere class |
Cstk::Thread | STK thread class |
Cstk::Twang | STK enhanced plucked string class |
Cstk::Vector3D | STK 3D vector class |
Cstk::Voicer | STK voice manager class |
▼Cstk::WvIn | STK audio input abstract base class |
►Cstk::FileWvIn | STK audio file input class |
►Cstk::FileLoop | STK file looping / oscillator class |
Cstk::MemoryLoop | STK looping / oscillator class using a simple memory array as input |
Cstk::MemoryWvIn | STK audio input class from Memory |
Cstk::InetWvIn | STK internet streaming input class |
▼Cstk::WvOut | STK audio output abstract base class |
►Cstk::ArdCommonOut | STK Common Output for Arduiono |
Cstk::ArdI2SOut | Output of sound to the I2S pins of the ESP32 |
►Cstk::ArdStreamOut | Abstract class for Output to Arduiono HardwareArdStream |
Cstk::ArdStreamHexOut | Output int32 data to Arduiono HardwareArdStream |
Cstk::ArdStreamTextOut | Output int16 data Arduino Stream |
Cstk::FileWvOut | STK audio file output class |
Cstk::InetWvOut | STK internet streaming output class |
Cstk::StkError | STK error handling class |
Cstk::StkFrames | An STK class to handle vectorized audio data |
Cstk::VFS_FD | Simulated File Descriptor of registered virtual "Memory" files |