Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CSnapAudioHeaderInformation about the next bucket
 CSnapClientSnap Client for ESP32 Arduino
 CSnapMessageBaseSnapcast Base Message
 CSnapMessageCodecHeaderSnapcast Codec Header Message
 CSnapMessageHalloSnapcast Hallo Message
 CSnapMessageServerSettingsSnapcast Server Settings Message
 CSnapMessageTimeSnapcast Time Message
 CSnapMessageWireChunkSnapcast Wire Chunk Message
 CSnapOutputSimple Output Class which uses the AudioTools to build an output chain with volume control and a resampler
 CSnapProcessorSnap Processor implementation which does not rely on FreeRTOS
 CSnapReadBufferBuffer to read different data types
 CSnapTimeThe the sys/time functions are used to represent the server time. The local time will be measured with the help of the Arduino millis() method. This class provides the basic functionality to translate between local and server time
 CSnapTimePointsRecording of local_ms and server_ms
 CSnapTimeSyncAbstract (Common) Time Synchronization Logic which consists of the startup synchronization and the local to server clock synchronization which adjusts the sampling rate
 CSnapTimeSyncDynamicDynamically adjusts the effective playback sample rate based on the differences of the local and server clock between the different intervals
 CSnapTimeSyncDynamicSinceStartDynamically adjusts the effective playback sample rate based on the differences of the local and server clock since the start
 CSnapTimeSyncFixedUses predefined fixed factor
 CSnapWriteBufferBuffer to write different data types
 Ctv_tTime as sec & usec