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file_systems::Vector< T > Class Template Reference

Vector implementation which provides the most important methods as defined by std::vector. This class it is quite handy to have and most of the times quite better then dealing with raw c arrays. More...

#include <Vector.h>


class  iterator
 Iterator for the Vector class. More...

Public Member Functions

 Vector (size_t len=20)
 default constructor
 Vector (int size, T value)
 allocate size and initialize array
 Vector (Vector< T > &&moveFrom)=default
 Vector (Vector< T > &copyFrom)
 copy constructor
 Vector (T *from, T *to)
 legacy constructor with pointer range
 ~Vector ()
void clear ()
int size ()
bool empty ()
void push_back (T value)
void push_front (T value)
void pop_back ()
void pop_front ()
void assign (iterator v1, iterator v2)
void assign (size_t number, T value)
void swap (Vector< T > &in)
T & operator[] (int index)
Vector< T > & operator= (Vector< T > &copyFrom)
T & operator[] (const int index) const
bool resize (int newSize, T value)
void shrink_to_fit ()
int capacity ()
bool resize (int newSize)
iterator begin ()
T & back ()
iterator end ()
void erase (iterator it)
T * data ()

Protected Member Functions

void resize_internal (int newSize, bool copy, bool shrink=false)
void cleanup (T *p_data, int from, int to)

Protected Attributes

int bufferLen =0
int len = 0
T * p_data = nullptr

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class file_systems::Vector< T >

Vector implementation which provides the most important methods as defined by std::vector. This class it is quite handy to have and most of the times quite better then dealing with raw c arrays.

Phil Schatzmann

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: