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file_systems::Str Class Reference

A simple wrapper to provide string functions on char*. If the underlying char* is a const we do not allow any updates; The ownership of the chr* must be managed externally! More...

#include <Str.h>

Public Member Functions

 Str (const char *chars)
 Creates a Str for string constant.
 Str (char chars[], int maxlen, int len=0)
 Creates a Str with the indicated buffer.
 Str (const Str &)=default
 Str (Str &&)=default
Stroperator= (const Str &)=default
Stroperator= (Str &&)=default
virtual void set (const char *alt)
 assigs a value More...
virtual void set (const Str &alt)
 assigs from another Str value More...
virtual void set (const char c)
virtual void set (int value)
virtual void set (double value, int precision=2, int withd=0)
virtual void swap (Str &str)
virtual void set (char chars[], int maxlen, int len=0, bool isConst=false)
 assigns a memory buffer
virtual void add (int value)
 adds a int value
virtual void add (double value, int precision=2, int withd=0)
 adds a double value
virtual void add (const char *append)
 adds a string
virtual void add (const char c)
 adds a character
virtual bool equals (const char *str)
 checks if the string equals indicated parameter string
virtual bool startsWith (const char *str)
 checks if the string starts with the indicated substring
virtual bool endsWith (const char *str)
 checks if the string ends with the indicated substring
virtual bool endsWithIgnoreCase (const char *str)
 checks if the string ends with the indicated substring
virtual bool matches (const char *pattern)
 file matching supporting * and ? - replacing regex which is not supported in all environments More...
virtual int indexOf (const char c, int start=0)
 provides the position of the the indicated character after the indicated start position
virtual bool contains (const char *str)
 checks if the string contains a substring
virtual int indexOf (const char *cont, int start=0)
 provides the position of the the indicated substring after the indicated start position
virtual int lastIndexOf (const char *cont)
 provides the position of the last occurrence of the indicated substring
virtual void operator= (const char *str)
 we can assign a const char*
virtual void operator= (char *str)
 we can assign a char*
virtual void operator= (char c)
 we can assign a char
virtual void operator= (double val)
 we can assign a double
virtual void operator= (int value)
 we can assign an int
virtual void operator<< (int n)
 shift characters to the right -> we just move the pointer
virtual char operator[] (int index)
virtual void operator+= (const char *str)
 adds a substring at the end of the string
virtual void operator+= (int value)
 adds a int at the end of the string
virtual void operator+= (double value)
 adds a double at the end of the string
virtual void operator+= (const char value)
 adds a character
virtual bool operator== (const Str &alt) const
 checks if the indicated string is equal to the current string
virtual bool operator== (const char *alt) const
 checks if the indicated string is equal to the current string
virtual bool operator!= (const Str &alt) const
 checks if the indicated string is different from the current string
virtual bool operator!= (const char *alt) const
 checks if the indicated string is different from the current string
virtual const char * c_str ()
 provides the string value as const char*
virtual int length ()
 provides the current length (filled with characters) of the string - excluding the terminating 0
virtual bool isEmpty ()
 checks if the string is empty
virtual int maxLength ()
 provides the maximum length of the string
virtual bool replace (const char *toReplace, const char *replaced)
 Replaces the first instance of toReplace with replaced.
virtual bool replaceAll (const char *toReplace, const char *replaced)
 Replaces all instances of toReplace with replaced.
virtual void remove (const char *toRemove)
 removes the indicated substring from the string
virtual void removeAll (const char *toRemove)
 removes the indicated substring from the string
virtual void setLength (int len, bool addZero=true)
 limits the length of the string (by adding a delimiting 0)
virtual void setLengthUndo ()
 undo the last setLength call
virtual void substring (Str &from, int start, int end)
 copies a substring into the current string
virtual void substring (const char *from, int start, int end)
 copies a substring into the current string
virtual void trim ()
 remove leading and traling spaces
virtual int count (char c, int startPos)
 count number of indicated characters as position
virtual void ltrim ()
 remove leading spaces
virtual void rtrim ()
 remove trailing spaces
virtual void clear ()
 clears the string by setting the terminating 0 at the beginning
virtual bool isOnHeap ()
 checks if the string is on the heap
virtual bool isConst ()
 checks if the string is a constant that must not be changed
virtual void insert (int pos, const char *str)
 inserts a substring into the string
virtual bool equalsIgnoreCase (const char *alt)
 Compares the string ignoring the case.
int toInt ()
 Converts the string to an int.
long toLong ()
 Converts the string to an long.
double toDouble ()
 Converts the string to a double.
void toLowerCase ()
 Converts the string to lowercase letters.
void toUpperCase ()
 Converts the string to uppercase letters.
bool containsNumber ()
bool isInteger ()
 Returns true if the string is an integer.
int numberOfDecimals ()
 Determines the number of decimals in the number string.
bool isNumber ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * toBinary (void const *const ptr, size_t const size)
 provides a binary string represntation

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool grow (int newMaxLen)
 only supported in subclasses

Static Protected Member Functions

static char * itoa (int n, char s[])
static void reverse (char s[])
static char * floatToString (char *outstr, double val, int precision, int widthp)
static int strncmp_i (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n)

Protected Attributes

char * chars = nullptr
bool is_const =false
int len =0
int maxlen = 0
int savedLen = -1
char savedChar

Detailed Description

A simple wrapper to provide string functions on char*. If the underlying char* is a const we do not allow any updates; The ownership of the chr* must be managed externally!

Phil Schatzmann

Member Function Documentation

◆ floatToString()

static char * file_systems::Str::floatToString ( char *  outstr,
double  val,
int  precision,
int  widthp 

compute the rounding factor and fractional multiplier

print the decimal point

generate space padding

◆ matches()

virtual bool file_systems::Str::matches ( const char *  pattern)

file matching supporting * and ? - replacing regex which is not supported in all environments

virtual bool matches(const char* match){ int m_size = strlen(match); if (length() < m_size) return false; if (strncmp(this->chars,match,m_size-1)!=0) return false; if (match[m_size-1]=='*' || match[m_size-1]==this->chars[m_size-1] ){ return true; } return false; }

returns 1 (true) if there is a match returns 0 if the pattern is not whitin the line

the line is ended but char was expected

end of mask

if the line also ends here then the pattern match

try to restart the mask on the rest

◆ set() [1/2]

virtual void file_systems::Str::set ( const char *  alt)

assigs a value

if the Str is a const we replace the pointer

if the Str is an external buffer we need to copy

◆ set() [2/2]

virtual void file_systems::Str::set ( const Str alt)

assigs from another Str value

if the Str is a const we replace the pointer

if the Str is an external buffer we need to copy

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: