This is the complete list of members for midi::AppleMidiServer, including all inherited members.
allNotesOff(int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
apple_event_handler (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
applemidi_callback_midi_message_received(uint8_t port, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t midi_status, uint8_t *remaining_message, size_t len, size_t continued_sysex_pos) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protectedstatic |
applemidi_if_send_udp_datagram(uint8_t *ip_addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t *tx_data, size_t tx_len) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protectedstatic |
AppleMidiServer() (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | inline |
AppleMidiServer(MidiAction *action, int midiPort=-1) (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | inline |
begin(int control_port=APPLEMIDI_DEFAULT_PORT) | midi::AppleMidiServer | |
begin(IPAddress adress, int control_port=APPLEMIDI_DEFAULT_PORT, int data_port_opt=-1) | midi::AppleMidiServer | |
channelPressure(uint8_t value, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
connectionStatus (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
controlChange(uint8_t msg, uint8_t value, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
dns_name (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
end() | midi::AppleMidiServer | |
frequencyToNote(float freq) | midi::MidiCommon | static |
getConnectionStatus() | midi::MidiCommon | inlinevirtual |
is_setup (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
localControl(bool active, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
loop() | midi::AppleMidiServer | inline |
MidiCommon() | midi::MidiCommon | |
name (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
noteOff(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
noteOn(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
noteToFrequency(uint8_t note) | midi::MidiCommon | static |
outMessage (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
pitchBend(uint16_t value, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
pMidiAction (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
polyPressure(uint8_t valuePar, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
programChange(uint8_t program, int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
receivingChannel (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
remote_port (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
resetAllControllers(int8_t channel=-1) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
rx_buffer (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
sendingChannel (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
setConnectionStatus(ConnectionStatus status) (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | inlineprotected |
setDefaultSendingChannel(int8_t channel) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
setFilterReceivingChannel(int channel) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
setMidiAction(MidiAction &MidiAction) | midi::MidiCommon | virtual |
setName(const char *name) | midi::AppleMidiServer | inline |
setupLogger() | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
setupMDns(int port) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protectedvirtual |
tick(uint32_t timestamp) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protectedvirtual |
timestampHigh (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
timestampLow (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
toStr(IPAddress &adress) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
udpControl (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
udpData (defined in midi::AppleMidiServer) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protected |
updateTimestamp(MidiMessage *pMsg) (defined in midi::MidiCommon) | midi::MidiCommon | protected |
write(MidiMessage *msg, int len) | midi::MidiCommon | |
writeData(MidiMessage *msg, int len) | midi::AppleMidiServer | protectedvirtual |