Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼Nmidi | |
CAppleMidiServer | A Sender and Receiver which supports Apple Midi using the implementation from midibox. Apple midi uses UDP on a control and a data port. |
CMidiAction | Abstract class for a MidiAction |
CMidiBleClient | A Bluetooth Low Energy BLE Client which can send or receive Bluetooth messages. It needs to connect to a running BLE Server |
CMidiBleClientAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks | BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks for Midi: reports onResult |
CMidiBleClientCallback | Client callback method which informs about connect or disconnect events |
CMidiBleParser | A simple Midi Parser for BLE Midi messages that calls the corresponding events |
CMidiBleServer | A Bluetooth Low Energy BLE Server which can send or receive Bluetooth messages |
CMidiBleServerCallback | Callback method which informs about connect or disconnect |
CMidiCallbackAction | MidiAction which can be defined with the help of callback methods |
CMidiCommon | The common methods provided by all Arduino Midi subclasses which can be used to generate Midi messages: |
CMidiIpServer | A simple IP Server which which receives and creates MIDI messages |
CMidiMessage | The content of the midi message: timestamp, status, arg1 and arg2 |
CMidiParser | A simple Midi Parser which calls the corresponding events. It supports Midi and BLE Midi messages. The main entry point is the parse command which calls the related methods |
CMidiServer | A simple Serial Server which which receives and creates MIDI messages |
CMidiStreamIn | Input of Midi Messages from the Aruduino HardwareSerial port. You need to give the default MidiParser or your own subclassed implementation in the constructor to process the midi records |
CMidiStreamOut | Output of Midi Messages to an Arduino Stream (eg output to Serial, UDP or IP) |
CMidiUdp | Simple UDP wrapper class which sends all packages to the same destination |
CMidiUdpServer | A simple UDP Server which receives and creates MIDI messages |