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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAppleMidiServerA Sender and Receiver which supports Apple Midi using the implementation from midibox. Apple midi uses UDP on a control and a data port.
 CMidiActionAbstract class for a MidiAction
 CMidiBleClientA Bluetooth Low Energy BLE Client which can send or receive Bluetooth messages. It needs to connect to a running BLE Server
 CMidiBleClientAdvertisedDeviceCallbacksBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks for Midi: reports onResult
 CMidiBleClientCallbackClient callback method which informs about connect or disconnect events
 CMidiBleParserA simple Midi Parser for BLE Midi messages that calls the corresponding events
 CMidiBleServerA Bluetooth Low Energy BLE Server which can send or receive Bluetooth messages
 CMidiBleServerCallbackCallback method which informs about connect or disconnect
 CMidiCallbackActionMidiAction which can be defined with the help of callback methods
 CMidiCommonThe common methods provided by all Arduino Midi subclasses which can be used to generate Midi messages:
 CMidiIpServerA simple IP Server which which receives and creates MIDI messages
 CMidiMessageThe content of the midi message: timestamp, status, arg1 and arg2
 CMidiParserA simple Midi Parser which calls the corresponding events. It supports Midi and BLE Midi messages. The main entry point is the parse command which calls the related methods
 CMidiServerA simple Serial Server which which receives and creates MIDI messages
 CMidiStreamInInput of Midi Messages from the Aruduino HardwareSerial port. You need to give the default MidiParser or your own subclassed implementation in the constructor to process the midi records
 CMidiStreamOutOutput of Midi Messages to an Arduino Stream (eg output to Serial, UDP or IP)
 CMidiUdpSimple UDP wrapper class which sends all packages to the same destination
 CMidiUdpServerA simple UDP Server which receives and creates MIDI messages