| BluetoothA2DPSource () |
| Constructor.
| ~BluetoothA2DPSource () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | clean_last_connection () |
| clean last connection (delete)
virtual bool | connect_to (esp_bd_addr_t peer) |
| Connnects to the indicated address.
virtual void | debounce (void(*cb)(void), int ms) |
| Prevents that the same method is executed multiple times within the indicated time limit.
void | delay_ms (uint32_t millis) |
| calls vTaskDelay to pause for the indicated number of milliseconds
virtual void | disconnect () |
| Closes the connection.
virtual void | end (bool releaseMemory=false) |
| Closes the connection and stops A2DP.
virtual esp_a2d_audio_state_t | get_audio_state () |
| Determine the actual audio state.
virtual esp_a2d_connection_state_t | get_connection_state () |
| Determine the connection state.
virtual int32_t | get_data_default (uint8_t *data, int32_t len) |
| callback for data
virtual esp_bd_addr_t * | get_last_peer_address () |
| Provides the address of the last device.
unsigned long | get_millis () |
| Provides the time in milliseconds since the last system boot.
virtual const char * | get_name () |
| Provides the actual SSID name.
virtual int | get_volume () |
| Determines the actual volume.
virtual bool | has_sound_data () |
| Returns true if write_dataRaw has been called with any valid data.
virtual bool | is_connected () |
| Checks if A2DP is connected.
virtual bool | is_discovery_active () |
| Provides the current discovery state: returns true when the discovery is in progress.
void | log_free_heap () |
| Logs the free heap.
virtual bool | reconnect () |
| Reconnects to the last device.
virtual void | set_auto_reconnect (bool active) |
| activate / deactivate the automatic reconnection to the last address (per default this is on)
virtual void | set_auto_reconnect (esp_bd_addr_t addr) |
| automatically tries to reconnect to the indicated address
void | set_bluedroid_config_t (esp_bluedroid_config_t cfg) |
| Defines the esp_bluedroid_config_t: Available from IDF 5.2.1.
virtual void | set_connectable (bool connectable) |
| Bluetooth connectable.
virtual void | set_connected (bool active) |
| Calls disconnect or reconnect.
virtual void | set_default_bt_mode (esp_bt_mode_t mode) |
| Defines the default bt mode. The default is ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT: use this e.g. to set to ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM.
virtual void | set_discoverability (esp_bt_discovery_mode_t d) |
| Bluetooth discoverability. More...
virtual void | set_discovery_mode_callback (void(*callback)(esp_bt_gap_discovery_state_t discoveryMode)) |
| Define callback to be notified about bt discovery mode state changes.
void | set_event_queue_size (int size) |
| Defines the queue size of the event task.
void | set_event_stack_size (int size) |
| Defines the stack size of the event task (in bytes)
virtual void | set_local_name (const char *name) |
| Defines the local name.
virtual void | set_nvs_init (bool doInit) |
| Defines if the Flash NVS should be reset on start.
virtual void | set_on_audio_state_changed (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr) |
| Set the callback that is called when the audio state is changed. More...
virtual void | set_on_audio_state_changed_post (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr) |
virtual void | set_on_connection_state_changed (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr) |
| Set the callback that is called when the connection state is changed. More...
virtual void | set_pin_code (const char *pin_code, esp_bt_pin_type_t pin_type=ESP_BT_PIN_TYPE_VARIABLE) |
| Defines the pin code. If nothing is defined we use "1234".
virtual void | set_reset_ble (bool doInit) |
| Defines if the BLE should be reset on start.
virtual void | set_ssid_callback (bool(*callback)(const char *ssid, esp_bd_addr_t address, int rrsi)) |
| Define callback to be notified about the found ssids.
virtual void | set_ssp_enabled (bool active) |
| activate Secure Simple Pairing
void | set_task_core (BaseType_t core) |
| Defines the core which is used to start the tasks (to process the events and audio queue)
void | set_task_priority (UBaseType_t priority) |
| defines the task priority (the default value is configMAX_PRIORITIES - 10)
virtual void | set_valid_cod_service (uint16_t filter) |
| Defines the valid enumesp_bt_cod_srvc_t values that are used to identify an audio service. e.g (ESP_BT_COD_SRVC_RENDERING | ESP_BT_COD_SRVC_AUDIO | ESP_BT_COD_SRVC_TELEPHONY)
virtual void | set_volume (uint8_t volume) |
| Sets the volume (range 0 - 127)
virtual void | set_volume_control (A2DPVolumeControl *ptr) |
| you can define a custom VolumeControl implementation
virtual void | start (const char *name, music_data_channels_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| starts the bluetooth source More...
virtual void | start (music_data_channels_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| Starts w/o indicating the name. Connections will be managed via set_ssid_callback()
virtual void | start (std::vector< const char * > names, music_data_channels_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| starts the bluetooth source. Supports multiple alternative names
virtual void | start_raw (const char *name, music_data_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| starts the bluetooth source More...
virtual void | start_raw (music_data_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| Starts w/o indicating the name. Connections will be managed via set_ssid_callback()
virtual void | start_raw (std::vector< const char * > names, music_data_cb_t callback=NULL) |
| start_raw which supports multiple alternative names
const char * | to_str (esp_a2d_audio_state_t state) |
| converts a esp_a2d_audio_state_t to a string
const char * | to_str (esp_a2d_connection_state_t state) |
| converts esp_a2d_connection_state_t to a string
const char * | to_str (esp_avrc_playback_stat_t state) |
| converts esp_avrc_playback_stat_t to a string More...
const char * | to_str (esp_bd_addr_t bda) |
| converts a esp_bd_addr_t to a string - the string is 18 characters long!
virtual bool | write_data (SoundData *data) |
| write sound data: In some cases it is very difficult to use the callback function. As an alternative we provide this method where you can just send the data to a queue. It is your responsibility however that you handle the situation if the queue is full.
virtual void | a2d_app_heart_beat (void *arg) |
virtual esp_err_t | bluedroid_init () |
virtual void | bt_app_a2d_cb (esp_a2d_cb_event_t event, esp_a2d_cb_param_t *param) |
| callback function for A2DP source
virtual void | bt_app_av_media_proc (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_av_sm_hdlr (uint16_t event, void *param) |
| A2DP application state machine.
virtual void | bt_app_av_state_connected_hdlr (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_av_state_connecting_hdlr (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_av_state_disconnecting_hdlr (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_av_state_unconnected_hdlr (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_gap_callback (esp_bt_gap_cb_event_t event, esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t *param) |
virtual void | bt_app_rc_ct_cb (esp_avrc_ct_cb_event_t event, esp_avrc_ct_cb_param_t *param) |
| callback function for AVRCP controller
virtual bool | bt_app_send_msg (bt_app_msg_t *msg) |
virtual void | bt_app_task_handler (void *arg) |
virtual void | bt_app_task_shut_down (void) |
virtual void | bt_app_task_start_up (void) |
virtual bool | bt_app_work_dispatch (bt_app_cb_t p_cback, uint16_t event, void *p_params, int param_len, bt_app_copy_cb_t p_copy_cback) |
virtual void | bt_app_work_dispatched (bt_app_msg_t *msg) |
virtual void | bt_av_hdl_avrc_ct_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param) |
| avrc CT event handler
virtual void | bt_av_hdl_stack_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param) |
void | bt_av_notify_evt_handler (uint8_t event, esp_avrc_rn_param_t *param) |
void | bt_av_volume_changed (void) |
virtual bool | bt_start () |
| Startup logic as implemented by Arduino. More...
virtual esp_err_t | esp_a2d_connect (esp_bd_addr_t peer) |
virtual void | filter_inquiry_scan_result (esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t *param) |
virtual void | get_last_connection () |
virtual bool | get_name_from_eir (uint8_t *eir, uint8_t *bdname, uint8_t *bdname_len) |
virtual bool | has_last_connection () |
virtual bool | is_valid_cod_service (uint32_t cod) |
virtual const char * | last_bda_nvs_name () |
virtual void | process_user_state_callbacks (uint16_t event, void *param) |
virtual void | reset_last_connection () |
| resets the last connectioin so that we can reconnect
virtual void | set_last_connection (esp_bd_addr_t bda) |
virtual void | set_scan_mode_connectable (bool connectable) |
| Defines if the bluetooth is connectable.
void | set_scan_mode_connectable_default () override |
const char * | to_state_str (int state) |
| converts a APP_AV_STATE_ENUM to a string
virtual A2DPVolumeControl * | volume_control () |
| provides access to the VolumeControl object
esp_a2d_audio_state_t | audio_state = ESP_A2D_AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED |
void(* | audio_state_callback )(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr |
void(* | audio_state_callback_post )(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr |
void * | audio_state_obj = nullptr |
void * | audio_state_obj_post = nullptr |
esp_bluedroid_config_t | bluedroid_config |
esp_bt_mode_t | bt_mode = ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT |
const char * | bt_name = {0} |
std::vector< const char * > | bt_names |
esp_a2d_connection_state_t | connection_state = ESP_A2D_CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED |
void(* | connection_state_callback )(esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr |
void * | connection_state_obj = nullptr |
music_data_cb_t | data_stream_callback |
music_data_channels_cb_t | data_stream_channels_callback |
uint32_t | debounce_ms = 0 |
unsigned int | default_reconnect_timout =10000 |
A2DPDefaultVolumeControl | default_volume_control |
const char * | dev_name = "ESP32_A2DP_SRC" |
esp_bt_discovery_mode_t | discoverability = ESP_BT_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE |
bool | discovery_active = false |
void(* | discovery_mode_callback )(esp_bt_gap_discovery_state_t discoveryMode) = nullptr |
int | event_queue_size = 20 |
int | event_stack_size = 3072 |
bool | has_sound_data_flag = false |
bool | is_autoreconnect_allowed = false |
bool | is_connecting = false |
bool | is_start_disabled = false |
bool | is_volume_used = false |
esp_bd_addr_t | last_connection = {0,0,0,0,0,0} |
const char * | m_a2d_audio_state_str [3] = {"Suspended", "Stopped", "Started"} |
const char * | m_a2d_conn_state_str [4] = {"Disconnected", "Connecting", "Connected", "Disconnecting"} |
const char * | m_avrc_playback_state_str [5] = {"stopped", "playing", "paused", "forward seek", "reverse seek"} |
bool | nvs_init = true |
esp_bd_addr_t | peer_bd_addr |
esp_bt_pin_code_t | pin_code |
uint32_t | pin_code_len |
esp_bt_pin_type_t | pin_type |
ReconnectStatus | reconnect_status = NoReconnect |
unsigned long | reconnect_timout =0 |
bool | reset_ble = false |
APP_AV_STATE | s_a2d_last_state = APP_AV_STATE_IDLE |
APP_AV_STATE | s_a2d_state = APP_AV_STATE_IDLE |
esp_avrc_rn_evt_cap_mask_t | s_avrc_peer_rn_cap |
TaskHandle_t | s_bt_app_task_handle = nullptr |
QueueHandle_t | s_bt_app_task_queue = nullptr |
int | s_connecting_heatbeat_count |
int | s_intv_cnt =0 |
int | s_media_state =0 |
uint8_t | s_peer_bdname [ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN+1] |
uint32_t | s_pkt_cnt |
TimerHandle_t | s_tmr |
SoundData * | sound_data = nullptr |
int32_t | sound_data_current_pos = 0 |
bool(* | ssid_callback )(const char *ssid, esp_bd_addr_t address, int rrsi) = nullptr |
bool | ssp_enabled =false |
BaseType_t | task_core = 1 |
UBaseType_t | task_priority = configMAX_PRIORITIES - 10 |
A2DPVolumeControl * | volume_control_ptr = nullptr |
uint8_t | volume_value = 0 |