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BluetoothA2DPSink Class Reference

A2DP Bluethooth Sink - We initialize and start the Bluetooth A2DP Sink. The example was refactered into a C++ class. More...

#include <BluetoothA2DPSink.h>

Inheritance diagram for BluetoothA2DPSink:
BluetoothA2DPCommon BluetoothA2DPSinkQueued

Public Member Functions

 BluetoothA2DPSink ()
 Default Constructor: output via callback or Legacy I2S. More...
 BluetoothA2DPSink (audio_tools::AudioOutput &output)
 Output AudioOutput using AudioTools library.
 BluetoothA2DPSink (audio_tools::AudioStream &output)
 Output AudioStream using AudioTools library.
 BluetoothA2DPSink (BluetoothA2DPOutput &out)
 Define output scenario class.
 BluetoothA2DPSink (Print &output)
 Output to Arduino Print.
virtual ~BluetoothA2DPSink ()
 Destructor - stops the playback and releases all resources.
virtual void activate_pin_code (bool active)
 We need to confirm a new seesion by calling confirm_pin_code()
virtual void clean_last_connection ()
 clean last connection (delete)
virtual void confirm_pin_code ()
 confirms the connection request by returning the receivedn pin code
virtual void confirm_pin_code (int code)
 confirms the connection request by returning the indicated pin code
virtual bool connect_to (esp_bd_addr_t peer)
 Connnects to the indicated address.
virtual void debounce (void(*cb)(void), int ms)
void delay_ms (uint32_t millis)
 calls vTaskDelay to pause for the indicated number of milliseconds
virtual void disconnect ()
 Closes the connection.
virtual void end (bool release_memory=false)
virtual void fast_forward ()
 AVRC fast_forward.
virtual esp_a2d_audio_state_t get_audio_state ()
 Determine the actual audio state.
virtual esp_a2d_mct_t get_audio_type ()
 Determine the actual audio type.
virtual esp_a2d_connection_state_t get_connection_state ()
 Determine the connection state.
virtual esp_bd_addr_tget_current_peer_address ()
 Provides the address of the connected device.
virtual esp_bd_addr_tget_last_peer_address ()
 Provides the address of the last device.
esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t::read_rssi_delta_param get_last_rssi ()
 provides the last rssi parameters
unsigned long get_millis ()
 Provides the time in milliseconds since the last system boot.
virtual const char * get_name ()
 Provides the actual SSID name.
BluetoothA2DPOutputget_output ()
 Provides access to the output class.
virtual const char * get_peer_name ()
 Get the name of the connected source device.
virtual int get_volume ()
 Determines the volume.
virtual bool is_avrc_connected ()
 returns true if the avrc service is connected
bool is_avrc_peer_rn_cap (esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_t cmd)
bool is_avrc_peer_rn_cap_available ()
 Returns true if the is_avrc_peer_rn_cap() method can be called.
virtual bool is_connected ()
 Checks if A2DP is connected.
bool is_output_active ()
 Checks if output is active.
void log_free_heap ()
 Logs the free heap.
virtual void next ()
 AVRC next.
virtual void pause ()
 AVRC pause.
virtual int pin_code ()
 provides the requested pin code (0 = undefined)
virtual void play ()
 Starts to play music using AVRC.
virtual void previous ()
 AVRC previous.
virtual bool reconnect ()
 Reconnects to the last device.
virtual void rewind ()
 AVRC rewind.
virtual uint16_t sample_rate ()
 Provides the actually set data rate (in samples per second)
virtual void set_address_validator (bool(*callBack)(esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda))
 Allows you to reject unauthorized addresses.
void set_auto_reconnect (bool active)
virtual void set_auto_reconnect (bool reconnect, int count=AUTOCONNECT_TRY_NUM)
virtual void set_avrc_connection_state_callback (void(*callback)(bool))
 Define a callback method which provides connection state of AVRC service.
virtual void set_avrc_metadata_attribute_mask (int flags)
virtual void set_avrc_metadata_callback (void(*callback)(uint8_t, const uint8_t *))
 Define a callback method which provides the meta data.
virtual void set_avrc_rn_events (std::vector< esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_t > events)
virtual void set_avrc_rn_play_pos_callback (void(*callback)(uint32_t play_pos), uint32_t notif_interval=10)
virtual void set_avrc_rn_playstatus_callback (void(*callback)(esp_avrc_playback_stat_t playback))
virtual void set_avrc_rn_track_change_callback (void(*callback)(uint8_t *id))
virtual void set_avrc_rn_volumechange (void(*callBack)(int))
 Set the callback that is called when remote changes the volume.
virtual void set_avrc_rn_volumechange_completed (void(*callBack)(int))
void set_bluedroid_config_t (esp_bluedroid_config_t cfg)
 Defines the esp_bluedroid_config_t: Available from IDF 5.2.1.
virtual void set_connectable (bool connectable)
 Bluetooth connectable.
virtual void set_connected (bool active)
 Calls disconnect or reconnect.
virtual void set_default_bt_mode (esp_bt_mode_t mode)
virtual void set_discoverability (esp_bt_discovery_mode_t d)
 Bluetooth discoverability. More...
void set_event_queue_size (int size)
 Defines the queue size of the event task.
void set_event_stack_size (int size)
 Defines the stack size of the event task (in bytes)
virtual void set_mono_downmix (bool enabled)
 mix stereo into single mono signal
virtual void set_on_audio_state_changed (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr)
 Set the callback that is called when the audio state is changed. More...
virtual void set_on_audio_state_changed_post (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr)
virtual void set_on_connection_state_changed (void(*callBack)(esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *), void *obj=nullptr)
 Set the callback that is called when the connection state is changed. More...
virtual void set_on_data_received (void(*callBack)())
 Define callback which is called when we receive data.
virtual void set_on_volumechange (void(*callBack)(int))
void set_output (audio_tools::AudioOutput &output)
 Output AudioOutput using AudioTools library.
void set_output (audio_tools::AudioStream &output)
 Output AudioStream using AudioTools library.
void set_output (BluetoothA2DPOutput &output)
 Defines the output class: by default we use BluetoothA2DPOutputDefault.
void set_output (Print &output)
 Output to Arduino Print.
void set_output_active (bool flag)
 Activate/Deactivate output e.g. to I2S.
virtual void set_raw_stream_reader (void(*callBack)(const uint8_t *, uint32_t))
void set_reconnect_delay (int delay)
void set_rssi_active (bool active)
 Activates the rssi reporting.
void set_rssi_callback (void(*callback)(esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t::read_rssi_delta_param &rssi))
 Defines the callback that is called when we get an new rssi value.
virtual void set_sample_rate_callback (void(*callback)(uint16_t rate))
 Defines the method which will be called with the sample rate is updated.
void set_spp_active (bool flag)
 Activates SSP (Serial protocol)
virtual void set_stream_reader (void(*callBack)(const uint8_t *, uint32_t), bool i2s_output=true)
virtual void set_swap_lr_channels (bool swap)
 swaps the left and right channel
void set_task_core (BaseType_t core)
void set_task_priority (UBaseType_t priority)
 defines the task priority (the default value is configMAX_PRIORITIES - 10)
virtual void set_volume (uint8_t volume)
 Changes the volume.
virtual void set_volume_control (A2DPVolumeControl *ptr)
 you can define a custom VolumeControl implementation
virtual void start (const char *name)
 starts the I2S bluetooth sink with the inidicated name More...
virtual void start (const char *name, bool auto_reconect)
 starts the I2S bluetooth sink with the inidicated name
virtual void stop ()
 AVRC stop.
const char * to_str (esp_a2d_audio_state_t state)
 converts a esp_a2d_audio_state_t to a string
const char * to_str (esp_a2d_connection_state_t state)
 converts esp_a2d_connection_state_t to a string
const char * to_str (esp_avrc_playback_stat_t state)
 converts esp_avrc_playback_stat_t to a string More...
const char * to_str (esp_bd_addr_t bda)
 converts a esp_bd_addr_t to a string - the string is 18 characters long!
bool update_rssi ()
 Requests an update of the rssi delta value.
virtual void volume_down ()
 AVRC decrease the volume.
virtual void volume_up ()
 AVRC increase the volume.

Protected Member Functions

void app_a2d_callback (esp_a2d_cb_event_t event, esp_a2d_cb_param_t *param) override
 callback function for A2DP source
virtual void app_alloc_meta_buffer (esp_avrc_ct_cb_param_t *param)
void app_gap_callback (esp_bt_gap_cb_event_t event, esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t *param) override
void app_rc_ct_callback (esp_avrc_ct_cb_event_t event, esp_avrc_ct_cb_param_t *param) override
 callback function for AVRCP controller
virtual void app_rc_tg_callback (esp_avrc_tg_cb_event_t event, esp_avrc_tg_cb_param_t *param) override
virtual bool app_send_msg (bt_app_msg_t *msg)
virtual void app_task_handler (void *arg)
virtual void app_task_shut_down ()
virtual void app_task_start_up ()
virtual bool app_work_dispatch (app_callback_t p_cback, uint16_t event, void *p_params, int param_len)
virtual void app_work_dispatched (bt_app_msg_t *msg)
virtual void audio_data_callback (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
virtual void av_hdl_a2d_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
virtual void av_hdl_avrc_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
virtual void av_hdl_avrc_tg_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param) override
void av_hdl_stack_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param) override
virtual void av_new_track ()
virtual void av_notify_evt_handler (uint8_t event_id, esp_avrc_rn_param_t *event_parameter)
virtual void av_play_pos_changed ()
virtual void av_playback_changed ()
virtual esp_err_t bluedroid_init ()
virtual void bt_i2s_task_shut_down (void)
virtual void bt_i2s_task_start_up (void)
virtual bool bt_start ()
 Startup logic as implemented by Arduino. More...
esp_err_t esp_a2d_connect (esp_bd_addr_t peer) override
esp_err_t esp_a2d_disconnect (esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda) override
virtual void execute_avrc_command (int cmd)
virtual const char * get_connected_source_name ()
 Get the name of the connected source device (obsolete): use get_peer_name()
virtual void get_last_connection ()
virtual void handle_audio_cfg (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
virtual void handle_audio_state (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
virtual void handle_avrc_connection_state (bool connected)
virtual void handle_connection_state (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
virtual bool has_last_connection ()
virtual void i2s_task_handler (void *arg)
 dummy functions needed for BluetoothA2DPSinkQueued
size_t i2s_write_data (const uint8_t *data, size_t item_size)
 writes the data to i2s
virtual int init_bluetooth ()
virtual void init_i2s ()
virtual void init_nvs ()
virtual bool is_reconnect (esp_a2d_disc_rsn_t type)
virtual bool isSource ()
virtual const char * last_bda_nvs_name ()
virtual bool read_address (const char *name, esp_bd_addr_t &bda)
virtual void set_i2s_active (bool active)
virtual void set_last_connection (esp_bd_addr_t bda)
virtual void set_scan_mode_connectable (bool connectable)
 Defines if the bluetooth is connectable.
void set_scan_mode_connectable_default () override
virtual A2DPVolumeControlvolume_control ()
 provides access to the VolumeControl object
virtual void volume_set_by_controller (uint8_t volume)
virtual void volume_set_by_local_host (uint8_t volume)
virtual bool write_address (const char *name, esp_bd_addr_t bda)
virtual size_t write_audio (const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 output audio data e.g. to i2s or to queue

Protected Attributes

bool(* address_validator )(esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda) = nullptr
TaskHandle_t app_task_handle = nullptr
QueueHandle_t app_task_queue = nullptr
esp_a2d_audio_state_t audio_state = ESP_A2D_AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED
void(* audio_state_callback )(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr
void(* audio_state_callback_post )(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr
void * audio_state_obj = nullptr
void * audio_state_obj_post = nullptr
esp_a2d_mct_t audio_type
bool avrc_connection_state = false
void(* avrc_connection_state_callback )(bool connected) = nullptr
void(* avrc_metadata_callback )(uint8_t, const uint8_t *) = nullptr
int avrc_metadata_flags
std::vector< esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_tavrc_rn_events
void(* avrc_rn_play_pos_callback )(uint32_t) = nullptr
void(* avrc_rn_playstatus_callback )(esp_avrc_playback_stat_t) = nullptr
void(* avrc_rn_track_change_callback )(uint8_t *) = nullptr
void(* avrc_rn_volchg_complete_callback )(int) = nullptr
esp_bluedroid_config_t bluedroid_config {.ssp_en = true}
void(* bt_connected )() = nullptr
void(* bt_dis_connected )() = nullptr
esp_bt_mode_t bt_mode = ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT
const char * bt_name = {0}
void(* bt_volumechange )(int) = nullptr
int connection_rety_count = 0
esp_a2d_connection_state_t connection_state
void(* connection_state_callback )(esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *obj) = nullptr
void * connection_state_obj = nullptr
void(* data_received )() = nullptr
uint32_t debounce_ms = 0
unsigned int default_reconnect_timout = 10000
A2DPDefaultVolumeControl default_volume_control
esp_bt_discovery_mode_t discoverability = ESP_BT_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE
esp_spp_mode_t esp_spp_mode = ESP_SPP_MODE_CB
int event_queue_size = 20
int event_stack_size = 3072
bool is_autoreconnect_allowed = false
volatile bool is_i2s_active = false
bool is_output = true
bool is_pin_code_active = false
bool is_start_disabled = false
bool is_target_status_active = true
bool is_volume_used = false
esp_bd_addr_t last_connection = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t::read_rssi_delta_param last_rssi_delta
const char * m_a2d_audio_state_str [4] = {"Suspended", "Started", "Suspended", "Suspended"}
const char * m_a2d_conn_state_str [4]
const char * m_avrc_playback_state_str [5]
uint32_t m_pkt_cnt = 0
uint16_t m_sample_rate = 44100
uint32_t notif_interval_s = 10
BluetoothA2DPOutputout = &out_default
BluetoothA2DPOutputDefault out_default
esp_bd_addr_t peer_bd_addr
int pin_code_int = 0
PinCodeRequest pin_code_request = Undefined
char pin_code_str [20] = {0}
void(* raw_stream_reader )(const uint8_t *, uint32_t) = nullptr
int reconnect_delay = 1000
ReconnectStatus reconnect_status = NoReconnect
unsigned long reconnect_timout = 0
char remote_name [ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN+1]
bool rssi_active = false
void(* rssi_callbak )(esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t::read_rssi_delta_param &rssi)
esp_avrc_rn_evt_cap_mask_t s_avrc_peer_rn_cap = {0}
uint8_t s_volume = 0
_lock_t s_volume_lock
bool s_volume_notify
void(* sample_rate_callback )(uint16_t rate) = nullptr
bool spp_active = false
void(* stream_reader )(const uint8_t *, uint32_t) = nullptr
bool swap_left_right = false
BaseType_t task_core = 1
UBaseType_t task_priority = configMAX_PRIORITIES - 10
int try_reconnect_max_count = AUTOCONNECT_TRY_NUM
A2DPVolumeControlvolume_control_ptr = nullptr
uint8_t volume_value = 0


void ccall_audio_data_callback (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
 Callback for music stream.
void ccall_av_hdl_a2d_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
 a2dp event handler
void ccall_av_hdl_avrc_evt (uint16_t event, void *p_param)
 avrc event handler
void ccall_i2s_task_handler (void *arg)
 task hander for i2s

Detailed Description

A2DP Bluethooth Sink - We initialize and start the Bluetooth A2DP Sink. The example was refactered into a C++ class.

Phil Schatzmann

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BluetoothA2DPSink()

BluetoothA2DPSink::BluetoothA2DPSink ( )

Default Constructor: output via callback or Legacy I2S.


Member Function Documentation

◆ audio_data_callback()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::audio_data_callback ( const uint8_t *  data,
uint32_t  len 

Wrappbed methods called from callbacks

◆ bt_start()

bool BluetoothA2DPCommon::bt_start ( )

Startup logic as implemented by Arduino.


◆ debounce()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::debounce ( void(*)(void)  cb,
int  ms 

Prevents that the same method is executed multiple times within the indicated time limit

◆ end()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::end ( bool  release_memory = false)

ends the I2S bluetooth sink with the indicated name - if you release the memory a future start is not possible

Reimplemented from BluetoothA2DPCommon.

◆ is_avrc_peer_rn_cap()

bool BluetoothA2DPSink::is_avrc_peer_rn_cap ( esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_t  cmd)

Provides the result of the last result for the esp_avrc_tg_get_rn_evt_cap() callback (Available from ESP_IDF_4)

◆ set_auto_reconnect() [1/2]

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_auto_reconnect ( bool  active)

activate / deactivate the automatic reconnection to the last address (per default this is on)

◆ set_auto_reconnect() [2/2]

virtual void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_auto_reconnect ( bool  reconnect,

Defines the number of times that the system tries to automatically reconnect to the last system

◆ set_avrc_metadata_attribute_mask()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_avrc_metadata_attribute_mask ( int  flags)


◆ set_avrc_rn_events()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_avrc_rn_events ( std::vector< esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_t events)


◆ set_avrc_rn_play_pos_callback()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_avrc_rn_play_pos_callback ( void(*)(uint32_t play_pos)  callback,
uint32_t  notif_interval = 10 

Define a callback method which provides esp_avrc_rn_param_t play position notifications, at a modifiable interval over 1s

◆ set_avrc_rn_playstatus_callback()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_avrc_rn_playstatus_callback ( void(*)(esp_avrc_playback_stat_t playback)  callback)

Define a callback method which provides esp_avrc_playback_stat_t playback status notifications

◆ set_avrc_rn_track_change_callback()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_avrc_rn_track_change_callback ( void(*)(uint8_t *id)  callback)

Define a callback method which provides an 8bit array for track change notifications Typically the last bit is 1 when there is a track change (so can be cast to a uint8_t)

◆ set_avrc_rn_volumechange_completed()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_avrc_rn_volumechange_completed ( void(*)(int)  callBack)

set the callback that the local volume change is notification is received and complete

◆ set_default_bt_mode()

virtual void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_default_bt_mode ( esp_bt_mode_t  mode)

Defines the default bt mode. The default is ESP_BT_MODE_CLASSIC_BT: use this e.g. to set to ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM

◆ set_discoverability()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_discoverability ( esp_bt_discovery_mode_t  d)

Bluetooth discoverability.

Defines if the bluetooth is discoverable.

◆ set_on_audio_state_changed()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_on_audio_state_changed ( void(*)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *)  callBack,
void *  obj = nullptr 

Set the callback that is called when the audio state is changed.

Set the callback that is called when the audio state is changed This callback is called before the I2S bus is changed.

◆ set_on_audio_state_changed_post()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_on_audio_state_changed_post ( void(*)(esp_a2d_audio_state_t state, void *)  callBack,
void *  obj = nullptr 

Set the callback that is called after the audio state has changed. This callback is called after the I2S bus has changed.

◆ set_on_connection_state_changed()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_on_connection_state_changed ( void(*)(esp_a2d_connection_state_t state, void *)  callBack,
void *  obj = nullptr 

Set the callback that is called when the connection state is changed.

Set the callback that is called when the connection state is changed This callback is called before the I2S bus is changed.

◆ set_on_volumechange()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_on_volumechange ( void(*)(int)  callBack)

Set the callback that is called when they change the volume (kept for compatibility)

◆ set_raw_stream_reader()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_raw_stream_reader ( void(*)(const uint8_t *, uint32_t)  callBack)

Define a callback that is called before the volume changes: this callback provides access to the data

◆ set_reconnect_delay()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_reconnect_delay ( int  delay)

Defines the delay that is added to delay the startup when we automatically reconnect

◆ set_stream_reader()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::set_stream_reader ( void(*)(const uint8_t *, uint32_t)  callBack,
bool  i2s_output = true 

Define callback which is called when we receive data: This callback provides access to the data

◆ set_task_core()

void BluetoothA2DPCommon::set_task_core ( BaseType_t  core)

Defines the core which is used to start the tasks (to process the events and audio queue)

◆ start()

void BluetoothA2DPSink::start ( const char *  name)

starts the I2S bluetooth sink with the inidicated name

Main function to start the Bluetooth Processing

◆ to_str()

const char * BluetoothA2DPCommon::to_str ( esp_avrc_playback_stat_t  state)

converts esp_avrc_playback_stat_t to a string

converts a esp_a2d_audio_state_t to a string

Member Data Documentation

◆ avrc_metadata_flags

int BluetoothA2DPSink::avrc_metadata_flags
Initial value:

◆ avrc_rn_events

std::vector<esp_avrc_rn_event_ids_t> BluetoothA2DPCommon::avrc_rn_events
Initial value:
= {

◆ connection_state

esp_a2d_connection_state_t BluetoothA2DPCommon::connection_state
Initial value:
Definition: external_lists.h:17

◆ m_a2d_conn_state_str

const char* BluetoothA2DPCommon::m_a2d_conn_state_str[4]
Initial value:
= {"Disconnected", "Connecting",
"Connected", "Disconnecting"}

◆ m_avrc_playback_state_str

const char* BluetoothA2DPCommon::m_avrc_playback_state_str[5]
Initial value:
= {"stopped", "playing", "paused",
"forward seek", "reverse seek"}

◆ rssi_callbak

void(* BluetoothA2DPSink::rssi_callbak) (esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t::read_rssi_delta_param &rssi)
Initial value:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: