Protected Attributes | List of all members
Catch::ConfigData Struct Reference

Protected Attributes

int abortAfter = -1
double benchmarkConfidenceInterval = 0.95
bool benchmarkNoAnalysis = false
unsigned int benchmarkResamples = 100000
unsigned int benchmarkSamples = 100
std::chrono::milliseconds::rep benchmarkWarmupTime = 100
bool filenamesAsTags = false
bool libIdentify = false
bool listReporters = false
bool listTags = false
bool listTestNamesOnly = false
bool listTests = false
double minDuration = -1
std::string name
bool noThrow = false
std::string outputFilename
std::string processName
std::string reporterName = CATCH_CONFIG_DEFAULT_REPORTER
unsigned int rngSeed = 0
RunTests::InWhatOrder runOrder = RunTests::InDeclarationOrder
std::vector< std::string > sectionsToRun
bool shouldDebugBreak = false
ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations = ShowDurations::DefaultForReporter
bool showHelp = false
bool showInvisibles = false
bool showSuccessfulTests = false
std::vector< std::string > testsOrTags
UseColour::YesOrNo useColour = UseColour::Auto
Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity::Normal
WaitForKeypress::When waitForKeypress = WaitForKeypress::Never
WarnAbout::What warnings = WarnAbout::Nothing

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