Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
arduino Namespace Reference

We provide the WiFi class to simulate the Arduino WIFI. In in Linux we can expect that networking is already active. So we dont need to do anything. More...


struct  __container__
class  ArduinoLogger
 A simple Logger that writes messages dependent on the log level. More...
class  Client
class  EthernetClient
class  EthernetImpl
class  FileStream
 We use the SerialDef class to be able to provide Serail, Serial1 and Serial2 outside of the Arduino environment;
class  HardwareGPIO
class  HardwareI2C
class  HardwareI2CEx
struct  HardwareImpl
class  HardwareSerial
class  HardwareService
class  HardwareSetupImpl
class  HardwareSPI
class  IPAddress
class  PluggableUSB_
class  PluggableUSBModule
class  Print
class  Printable
class  RemoteGPIO
class  RemoteI2C
class  RemoteI2S
class  RemoteSerialImpl
class  RemoteSPI
class  RingBufferExt
 Implementation of a Simple Circular Buffer. Instead of comparing the position of the read and write pointer in order to figure out if we still have characters available or space left to write we keep track of the actual length which is easier to follow. This class was implemented to support the reading and writing of arrays. More...
class  RingBufferN
class  SerialImpl
class  Server
class  SocketImpl
class  SPISettings
class  StdioDevice
 We use the SerialDef class to be able to provide Serail, Serial1 and Serial2 outside of the Arduino environment;
class  Stream
class  String
class  StringSumHelper
class  Test
class  UDP
class  WifiMock
class  WiFiUDP
class  WiFiUDPStream


typedef RingBufferN< SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE > RingBuffer
typedef HardwareSPI SPIClass
template<typename T >
using voidTemplateFuncPtrParam = void(*)(T param)
typedef EthernetClient WiFiClient


enum  HWCalls {
  I2cBegin0 , I2cBegin1 , I2cEnd , I2cSetClock ,
  I2cBeginTransmission , I2cEndTransmission1 , I2cEndTransmission , I2cRequestFrom3 ,
  I2cRequestFrom2 , I2cOnReceive , I2cOnRequest , I2cWrite ,
  I2cAvailable , I2cRead , I2cPeek , SpiTransfer ,
  SpiTransfer8 , SpiTransfer16 , SpiUsingInterrupt , SpiNotUsingInterrupt ,
  SpiBeginTransaction , SpiEndTransaction , SpiAttachInterrupt , SpiDetachInterrupt ,
  SpiBegin , SpiEnd , GpioPinMode , GpioDigitalWrite ,
  GpioDigitalRead , GpioAnalogRead , GpioAnalogReference , GpioAnalogWrite ,
  GpioTone , GpioNoTone , GpioPulseIn , GpioPulseInLong ,
  SerialBegin , SerialEnd , SerialWrite , SerialRead ,
  SerialAvailable , SerialPeek , SerialFlush , I2sSetup ,
  I2sBegin3 , I2sBegin2 , I2sEnd , I2sAvailable ,
  I2sRead , I2sPeek , I2sFlush , I2sWrite ,
  I2sAvailableForWrite , I2sSetBufferSize
enum  LookaheadMode { SKIP_ALL , SKIP_NONE , SKIP_WHITESPACE }
enum  SPIMode { SPI_MODE0 = 0 , SPI_MODE1 = 1 , SPI_MODE2 = 2 , SPI_MODE3 = 3 }
enum  wl_status_t {


struct __attribute__ ((packed))
int analogRead (pin_size_t pinNumber)
void analogReference (uint8_t mode)
void analogWrite (pin_size_t pinNumber, int value)
template<typename T >
void attachInterrupt (pin_size_t interruptNum, voidTemplateFuncPtrParam< T * > userFunc, PinStatus mode, T *param)
template<typename T >
void attachInterrupt (pin_size_t interruptNum, voidTemplateFuncPtrParam< T > userFunc, PinStatus mode, T &param)
PinStatus digitalRead (pin_size_t pinNumber)
void digitalWrite (pin_size_t pinNumber, int status)
void digitalWrite (pin_size_t pinNumber, PinStatus status)
bool isAlpha (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isAlphaNumeric (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isAscii (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isControl (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isDigit (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isGraph (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isHexadecimalDigit (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isLowerCase (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isPrintable (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isPunct (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isSpace (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isUpperCase (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
bool isWhitespace (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
void noTone (uint8_t pinNumber)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, char c)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const __FlashStringHelper *rhs)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const char *cstr)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const String &rhs)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, double num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, float num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, int num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, long num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned char num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned int num)
StringSumHelperoperator+ (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned long num)
void pinMode (pin_size_t pinNumber, int mode)
void pinMode (pin_size_t pinNumber, PinMode pinMode)
unsigned long pulseIn (uint8_t pinNumber, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout=1000000L)
 Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
unsigned long pulseInLong (uint8_t pinNumber, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout=1000000L)
 Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
void serialEventRun (void) __attribute__((weak))
int toAscii (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
int toLowerCase (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))
void tone (uint8_t pinNumber, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration=0)
int toUpperCase (int c) __attribute__((always_inline))


const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = SPISettings()
EthernetImpl Ethernet
HardwareImpl Hardware
HardwareSetupImpl HardwareSetup
const IPAddress INADDR_NONE
ArduinoLogger Logger
StdioDevice Serial
SerialImpl Serial1 ("/dev/ttyACM0")
const char * SOCKET_IMPL = "SocketImpl"
WifiMock WiFi

Detailed Description

We provide the WiFi class to simulate the Arduino WIFI. In in Linux we can expect that networking is already active. So we dont need to do anything.

We support different implementations for GPIO. These are the implementations for the public methods defined by Common.h

We suppport different implementations for the I2C

We suppport different implementations for the SPI

We virtualize the hardware and send the requests and replys over a stream.

Separate implementation class for the WIFI client to prevent import conflicts

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HWCalls

We virtualize the hardware and send the requests and replys over a stream.