Instance Methods | List of all members
Catch::Config Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Catch::Config:
Catch::IConfig Catch::NonCopyable

Instance Methods

() - Config
(int) - abortAfter
(bool) - allowThrows
(double) - benchmarkConfidenceInterval
(bool) - benchmarkNoAnalysis
(unsigned int) - benchmarkResamples
(int) - benchmarkSamples
(std::chrono::milliseconds) - benchmarkWarmupTime
(std::string const &) - getFilename
(std::string) - getProcessName
(std::string const &) - getReporterName
(std::vector< std::string > const &) - getSectionsToRun
(std::vector< std::string > const &) - getTestsOrTags
(bool) - hasTestFilters
(bool) - includeSuccessfulResults
(bool) - listReporters
(bool) - listTags
(bool) - listTestNamesOnly
(bool) - listTests
(double) - minDuration
(std::string) - name
(unsigned int) - rngSeed
(RunTests::InWhatOrder) - runOrder
(bool) - shouldDebugBreak
(ShowDurations::OrNot) - showDurations
(bool) - showHelp
(bool) - showInvisibles
(std::ostream &) - stream
(TestSpec const &) - testSpec
(UseColour::YesOrNo) - useColour
(Verbosity) - verbosity
(bool) - warnAboutMissingAssertions
(bool) - warnAboutNoTests

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