Arduino STK  4.6.2
1 #ifndef STK_BLOWHOLE_H
2 #define STK_BLOWHOLE_H
4 #include "Instrmnt.h"
5 #include "DelayL.h"
6 #include "ReedTable.h"
7 #include "OneZero.h"
8 #include "PoleZero.h"
9 #include "Envelope.h"
10 #include "Noise.h"
11 #include "SineWave.h"
13 namespace stk {
15 /***************************************************/
48 /***************************************************/
50 class BlowHole : public Instrmnt
51 {
52  public:
57  BlowHole( StkFloat lowestFrequency );
60  ~BlowHole( void );
63  void clear( void );
66  void setFrequency( StkFloat frequency );
69  void setTonehole( StkFloat newValue );
72  void setVent( StkFloat newValue );
75  void startBlowing( StkFloat amplitude, StkFloat rate );
78  void stopBlowing( StkFloat rate );
81  void noteOn( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude );
84  void noteOff( StkFloat amplitude );
87  void controlChange( int number, StkFloat value );
90  StkFloat tick( unsigned int channel = 0 );
100  StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel = 0 );
102  protected:
104  DelayL delays_[3];
105  ReedTable reedTable_;
106  OneZero filter_;
107  PoleZero tonehole_;
108  PoleZero vent_;
109  Envelope envelope_;
110  Noise noise_;
111  SineWave vibrato_;
113  StkFloat scatter_;
114  StkFloat thCoeff_;
115  StkFloat rhGain_;
116  StkFloat outputGain_;
117  StkFloat noiseGain_;
118  StkFloat vibratoGain_;
119 };
121  inline StkFloat BlowHole :: tick( unsigned int )
122 {
123  StkFloat pressureDiff;
124  StkFloat breathPressure;
125  StkFloat temp;
127  // Calculate the breath pressure (envelope + noise + vibrato)
128  breathPressure = envelope_.tick();
129  breathPressure += breathPressure * noiseGain_ * noise_.tick();
130  breathPressure += breathPressure * vibratoGain_ * vibrato_.tick();
132  // Calculate the differential pressure = reflected - mouthpiece pressures
133  pressureDiff = delays_[0].lastOut() - breathPressure;
135  // Do two-port junction scattering for register vent
136  StkFloat pa = breathPressure + pressureDiff * reedTable_.tick( pressureDiff );
137  StkFloat pb = delays_[1].lastOut();
138  vent_.tick( pa+pb );
140  lastFrame_[0] = delays_[0].tick( vent_.lastOut()+pb );
141  lastFrame_[0] *= outputGain_;
143  // Do three-port junction scattering (under tonehole)
144  pa += vent_.lastOut();
145  pb = delays_[2].lastOut();
146  StkFloat pth = tonehole_.lastOut();
147  temp = scatter_ * (pa + pb - 2 * pth);
149  delays_[2].tick( filter_.tick(pa + temp) * -0.95 );
150  delays_[1].tick( pb + temp );
151  tonehole_.tick( pa + pb - pth + temp );
153  return lastFrame_[0];
154 }
156 inline StkFrames& BlowHole :: tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel )
157 {
158  unsigned int nChannels = lastFrame_.channels();
159 #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
160  if ( channel > frames.channels() - nChannels ) {
161  oStream_ << "BlowHole::tick(): channel and StkFrames arguments are incompatible!";
162  handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT );
163  }
164 #endif
166  StkFloat *samples = &frames[channel];
167  unsigned int j, hop = frames.channels() - nChannels;
168  if ( nChannels == 1 ) {
169  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop )
170  *samples++ = tick();
171  }
172  else {
173  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop ) {
174  *samples++ = tick();
175  for ( j=1; j<nChannels; j++ )
176  *samples++ = lastFrame_[j];
177  }
178  }
180  return frames;
181 }
183 } // stk namespace
185 #endif
STK clarinet physical model with one register hole and one tonehole.
Definition: BlowHole.h:51
void setFrequency(StkFloat frequency)
Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
void controlChange(int number, StkFloat value)
Perform the control change specified by number and value (0.0 - 128.0).
void setVent(StkFloat newValue)
Set the register hole state (0.0 = closed, 1.0 = fully open).
void startBlowing(StkFloat amplitude, StkFloat rate)
Apply breath pressure to instrument with given amplitude and rate of increase.
StkFloat tick(unsigned int channel=0)
Compute and return one output sample.
Definition: BlowHole.h:121
void clear(void)
Reset and clear all internal state.
void noteOn(StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude)
Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.
Class destructor.
BlowHole(StkFloat lowestFrequency)
Class constructor.
void setTonehole(StkFloat newValue)
Set the tonehole state (0.0 = closed, 1.0 = fully open).
void noteOff(StkFloat amplitude)
Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
void stopBlowing(StkFloat rate)
Decrease breath pressure with given rate of decrease.
STK linear interpolating delay line class.
Definition: DelayL.h:28
StkFloat lastOut(void) const
Return the last computed output value.
Definition: DelayL.h:76
StkFloat tick(StkFloat input)
Input one sample to the filter and return one output.
Definition: DelayL.h:163
STK linear line envelope class.
Definition: Envelope.h:22
StkFloat tick(void)
Compute and return one output sample.
Definition: Envelope.h:88
STK instrument abstract base class.
Definition: Instrmnt.h:20
STK noise generator.
Definition: Noise.h:22
StkFloat tick(void)
Compute and return one output sample.
Definition: Noise.h:59
STK one-zero filter class.
Definition: OneZero.h:21
StkFloat tick(StkFloat input)
Input one sample to the filter and return one output.
Definition: OneZero.h:79
STK one-pole, one-zero filter class.
Definition: PoleZero.h:22
StkFloat tick(StkFloat input)
Input one sample to the filter and return one output.
Definition: PoleZero.h:79
StkFloat lastOut(void) const
Return the last computed output value.
Definition: PoleZero.h:62
STK reed table class.
Definition: ReedTable.h:28
StkFloat tick(StkFloat input)
Take one sample input and map to one sample of output.
Definition: ReedTable.h:81
STK sinusoid oscillator class.
Definition: SineWave.h:26
StkFloat tick(void)
Compute and return one output sample.
Definition: SineWave.h:99
An STK class to handle vectorized audio data.
Definition: Stk.h:287
unsigned int channels(void) const
Return the number of channels represented by the data.
Definition: Stk.h:415
unsigned int frames(void) const
Return the number of sample frames represented by the data.
Definition: Stk.h:418
static void handleError(const char *message, StkError::Type type)
Static function for error reporting and handling using c-strings.
The STK namespace.
Definition: ADSR.h:8