FreeRTOS Addons
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cpp_freertos Namespace Reference


class  BinaryQueue
class  BinarySemaphore
class  ConditionVariable
class  CountingSemaphore
class  CriticalSection
class  Deque
class  EventGroup
class  EventGroupCreateException
class  LockGuard
class  MemoryPool
class  MemoryPoolBadAlignmentException
class  MemoryPoolMallocException
class  Mutex
class  MutexCreateException
class  MutexRecursive
class  MutexStandard
class  Queue
class  QueueCreateException
class  ReadWriteLock
class  ReadWriteLockCreateException
class  ReadWriteLockPreferReader
class  ReadWriteLockPreferWriter
class  Semaphore
class  SemaphoreCreateException
class  Task
 A Thread which has the Run method implemented as loop which is executing the function that is passed in the constructor. More...
class  Tasklet
class  TaskletCreateException
class  Thread
class  TickHook
class  Ticks
class  Timer
class  TimerCreateException
class  WorkItem
class  WorkQueue

Detailed Description

Condition variables are an additon to the FreeRTOS C++ Wrapper classes. If you want to include them, you need to define the following in your makefile or project.

C++ exceptions are used by default when constructors fail. If you do not want this behavior, define the following in your makefile or project. Note that in most / all cases when a constructor fails, it's a fatal error. In the cases when you've defined this, the new default behavior will be to issue a configASSERT() instead.

The default in the C++ Wrapper classes is to use the C++ string class. If you do not want this, define the following in your makefile or project, and the Thread class will default to using character arrays instead of C++ strings.

If you define this, you also must define CPP_FREERTOS_NO_EXCEPTIONS. Some classes throw exceptions if they cannot be constructed, and the exceptions they throw depend on C++ strings.